
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 20, 2009 11:11 AM. The previous post in this blog was PGE steps up to help with energy bills. The next post in this blog is Pie Chart of the Week. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Watch out, strange kind people

Are you like me? Do you enjoy this stuff every now and then?

I think the first time I had it was at a bento cart. Good eatin', but a little goes a long way.

Comments (9)

This bottle is always emptied before the ketchup in my fridge!

Awesome stuff! Best condiment ever made.

Great read. Huy Fong Rooster... accept no substitutes.

And a little does go a long way. But it seems every bottle I've encountered has an inconsistent heat level. Sometimes it's take-your-breath-away hot, other times it's like extra-spicy ketchup.

Seriously good stuff. With chicken and rice, it's the bomb.

"But it seems every bottle I've encountered has an inconsistent heat level. Sometimes it's take-your-breath-away hot, other times it's like extra-spicy ketchup."

This man speaks the truth; the thermal reactivity of the stuff is rather variable. But it's still a unique, spicy, good eatin' condiment that is worth a try.

(snif) Makes me proud to be an American...

That stuff goes on my scrambled eggs at breakfast, with toast and cabbage leaves, and black coffee. Just to clear my palate. And keep me regular.

My problem is the uncertainty of when it is 'now' and when it is 'then.'

Once my day's gusto gets in gear, here's my select Good Eats darling.

Capsicum chinense

I have a bottle of Dave's Insanity Sauce that I bought in the mid-nineties that's so hot, I have to keep it in a ziploc bag so that if I accidentally brush against it while grabbing another condiment, I don't find my eyes watering uncontrollably for an hour like that one time...

And the label is about a third dissolved.

I love that stuff, but it's to be applied even less frequently and in even smaller amounts than Sam's better judgment.

As much as I love the Rooster, Secret Aardvark habanero sauce is probably the go-to for me. It's on the table at many Portland breakfast joints, and it's local. And amazing. It's blended with carrots and ? to mellow out the habanero.


They also make a drunken black bean sauce, which is outstanding on baked chicken. We carry both at New Seasons...

That sauce is the bomb along with Tapatio hot sauce...

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