
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 28, 2009 11:38 AM. The previous post in this blog was Good money after bad. The next post in this blog is Got a Portland jaywalking ticket?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Gotta move on

Sometime tonight or tomorrow night, the server on which this blog resides is scheduled to be moved -- physically -- from one building to another, both in the same distant city. They're calling it a "rack migration" -- those who went to all-boys' high schools, make up your own jokes.

While in transit, the server will not be plugged into the electrical grid. This means that it won't work, and when you call up bojack.org on your computer, nothing good will happen. (I know, what else is new.)

Anyway, my wonderful technical director and friend, Jake Ortman, informs me that the outage should be brief. But hey, a lot of things should happen. With any luck, he'll be right and everything will be dandy come the morning. If not, apologies for the delay, and I'll catch you when things are back up to speed.

Comments (7)

Also note: This will also affect your other home until the move is over, which I've been told will only be 30 minutes. If it's more than an hour, I'll be throwing a huge hissy fit.

In the meantime, you might need something to while away the hours waiting for beaujacques to return. My little brother at NASA sends:

Now this is the s**t. I want 2 of them. http://www.rodenator.com/

Ignore the artificially-unbloated Rush the Hutt icon.

I hope this isn't to escape the tax structure in PDX.

For what it's worth, as an IT guy myself, I've been part of what our organization called the "forklift project" where we disconnected network and mains power from everything in a rack, shrink-wrapped it, forklifted it into a truck, drove it to a new facility 30 miles away, forklifted it into position, plugged everything back into the duplicated infrastructure, and powered it all up.

Serious people know how to do things like this. It should go just fine.

MachineShedFred: Thankfully they're not even going that far down the road. Their new facility is only a few miles away, and they've had IP addresses, infrastructure, and connectivity running through the new building for a while now, so this will hopefully eliminate a hop in the route chain.

And no, David, this isn't a tax thing. I'm a east-side of the mountains guy, so I don't know much about the tax issues up there, beyond what I read here -- we have our own issues over here. The server is in Atlanta, specifically in this building.

Downtime less than 45 minutes. Welcome to the new facility, everybody :-)

Thanks, Jake!

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