
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 11, 2007 6:10 AM. The previous post in this blog was Very cool. The next post in this blog is A Tudor it ain't. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, November 11, 2007

I do and do and do for you kids

cash advance

(Via Cousin Jimbo.)

Comments (9)

Its fun to check other websites,

Both the Oregonian and Trib are Elementary Level, and WW is High School.

There are some Genius blogs out there like.

Great minds....?

Jersey DNA....?


Definitive proof that law school destroys one's mind....?

Blame it on the comments section!

TMZ.com is also rated junior high school level. Think of it.. you could have a PDX gossip.celeb TV show..

I am a little dubious about the rating ability of this site. I typed in p***y.com and it's rated as a "genius" reading level. The funny thing is, there is no text, only pictures...

You're in good company, Jack.

The NYTimes.com site gets JR HIGH SCHOOL rating, while the WashingtonPost.com rates HIGH SCHOOL.

I can top all of you for the absurd, my blog rated genius. Well, it was worth a good laugh.

Mine ranked genius. Guess it's time to lift the drunk blogging moratorium and make the ol' site more accessible...while supporting Oregon beers.

I only rated elementary school. Is this what the kids are talking about these days?

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