
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 9, 2007 6:46 PM. The previous post in this blog was Here's your vision: You're screwing up. The next post in this blog is Consumer quiz. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, March 9, 2007

At the parole officer Christmas party

Another fine day for Multnomah County law enforcement. Where was Bernie? We needed another intervention!

Comments (17)

Probation and Parole isn't under the Sheriff's control (though he's tried over the years) - it's part of the Department of Community Justice, which is under the Commisioners and Chair Wheeler, by way of Interim Director Steve Liday.

Man, I've internalized all that. It isn't until I try to explain it to someone else that I realize just how complicated and convoluted the county org chart is.

Can someone please explain to me why all these cops-gone-bad are allowed to resign, (and take advantage of all these resulting benefits) rather than getting canned?

He'll be eligible not only for the standard I-got-fired (but not really) so-I'm-now-disabled scam, but unemployment as well??? OMFG! How many people who get fired because of stealing AND doing drugs get to do that I wonder? Why isn't he in jail??

Note to politicians: Anybody who betrays the public trust in this way should get nothing but an orange jump suit! No retirement, no disability, no accumulated vacation time, no unemployment. Let's get crackin' on some real ethics reform.

And so, they claim he's a "long-term employee who did something very out of character," yet he felt comfortable enough to smoke pot in front of other DCJ parole and probation officers. Oh, OK. And I bet he didn't inhale either.

Thank God there was someone there who still knows what the "utmost personal [and let's not forget, professional] integrity" means. That person(s?) should get a medal.

Probation and Parole isn't under the Sheriff's control


I never said it was.

He's just this guy's spiritual leader.

The more one learns of just how corrupt, inept, dishonest,
poorly-educated, and just plane mean-spirited people that
comprise local so-called "law-enforcement", the less likely
one is to want to have one as a neighbor. Frankly, all the
bad-press has caught up with these people and a backlash
has started, and by way of example I'll share this with you
and your readers:

A long-time neighbor family is selling out and moving
due to declining health. The Realtor handling it all is
also a neighbor. Seems that a local cop is interested
in the place. The Realtor did some checking into this
guy's background and his reputation at last place he
worked at before coming here. The information learned
is amazing and leaving one's jaw dropped as to WHY he
was even hired here in first place, as he has the word
"T-R-O-U-B-L-E" stamped on his forhead.

Well, needless to say, we established residents don't
want him or his kind living next door to us. Will he be
a racist nutjob like Scott McCollister? A Killer-cop like
Christopher Humphreys that goes bonkers at one of
our children for some petty offense and then proceeds
to stomp them to death? Or a Kyle Nice-type neighbor
who word has it has worn out his welcome in present
neighborhood for not being so nice afterall?

When it comes to the local copshops and their Rogue's
Gallery of hooligans, it's a throw of the dice as to what
you end up with and what kind of baggage they're carry-
ing from their past assignments. Our Realtor neighbor is
going to try and dissuade this dude from being a buyer,
and if fails at that, then it'll fall to we established folk to
make him and his family feel decidedly UNWELCOMED as
we don't want these kind in our neighborhood. Let 'em
go to their gated enclaves and play their little petty
"us vs. them" games and regale in their exploits with
each other, but we simple don't want them.

Simple as that and they've brought it clearly down upon
themselves as their famed Blue Wall has created a lot of
resentments towards them and a backlash that I fear that
many are too stupid to recognize. So be it...they won't do
a damned thing policing their own, so it falls to us and we
will our way, thank you!

To the Feds-there is no corruption here, move on.

Reminds me of that classic Christmas carol, "Evidence Roasting on an Open Bong."

I know you didn't, Jack. I was just pointing out that folks who work for the county see the Sheriff's office (and the DA's office) as distinct and separate from the rest of the county (which includes Parole & Probation).

I realize, though, that most people just see it all lumped together as "the county".

I'd also like to point out that some of the non-PPO folks don't even see PPOs as "law enforcement", even if they do get to carry guns on the job, wear bullet-proof vests, and deal directly with offenders. But the PPOs do see themselves as the equals of the cops, and many of them seem to have the same, shall we say, psychological quirks of Portland's police? Like being "above the law", or viewing the citizenry in an "us vs. them" mentality?

Badge? Gun? Get to say who deserves to stay out of jail? Fits my definition.

Local Neighborhood Guy:

Good for you! I wouldn't want any "Law Enforcement" types in my neighborhood, either. Shun them and their families until they are so uncomfortable that they leave.

In my business, I don't serve law enforcement, period. Of course, I don't tell them that straight out, I just quote them a really high price that I know they are too cheap to pay, and they go away on their own.

Sure, they'll get it done somewhere else, but I ain't serving them.

These guys (and gals) are the Brownshirts of the 21st century.

Neighborhood Guy and / or the Realtor need to seriously think about giving the DETAILS about this cop's background to MSM outlets so we can see which of them report it and which of them hide it. Or perhaps give Jack the details right here. Either way we'll find out if The Associated Press, KOPB, KEX, KXL, KPAM, KINK, Willamette Week, Portland Tribune, The Mercury, ALL of the TV station (alleged) "News Departments," radio and TV talk show hosts (right, left, who cares?) and yes, even The O, will report the truth. Your jaws may have dropped because of what you learned about this cop's background but if you tell the truth and get it out in the open as soon as possible, it might prevent human bodies from "dropping."

"These guys (and gals) are the Brownshirts of the 21st century." Nice...comparing sworn police officers to Nazi's. Get a grip Al.

O.K. so we have ONE guy who obviously went bat s**t crazy, stole less than an ounce of weed, smoked some of it in front of his co-workers and then promptly got canned because the co-workers wouldn't tolerate it. There is no indication that a criminal proceeding is pending, but it is possible that this guy may get prosecuted for what he did, and he may serve time. Who knows.

From the tone of the comments above, some posters seem to believe that ALL law enforcement officers are bad. In my opinion it makes sense to condemn and punish the bad conduct of the few bad apples. The vast majority of police officers are hard working, honest individuals who put their very lives on the line performing an essential public safety function.

If local neighborhood guy has such a deep dark secret about this officer he should state it. Non-specific anonymous rumor mongering is nothing short of cowardice in my book.

Will he still get his PERS retirement?

Not all cops are bad. I grew up in a drug infested area of SE Portland (60th & Flavel). We had a local officer for 10 plus years who used to stop by every few weeks and checked with my mother (single with a child). He would get info about activity happening, forward the info and make drug busts. Awesome dude. He was eventually fired by the PPB a year before his 25th and final.

Then again, Nice and Pumphreys make me wonder about the boys in blue. Any single group with power unchecked over regular citizens will make mistakes and such. Such is the human. All the more reason for those managing these characters need to make examples of the offenders. Yes, that means NO pension or health benefits.

al, since your such a tough guy, why don't you have the guts to tell the cops you don't want them in your place of business at all. And while your at it, give them a signed statement saying you don't expect them to respond to any emergencies you might have.

It's jerks like you who are the first to whine when police action is needed to protect your sorry ass.

Dear Jack:

Your blog is always a joy to read. I learn so much about
what is really going on in our little world here in Portland.
Not the infotainment dished out by the local media hacks,
but the real deal. Thanks!

This thread started out so ho-hum, but got lively when
the bit about "reprisals" got thrown in, and given I'm not
at my home computer, but visiting a friend who doesn't
mind my posting from his, I'll add a comment about how
active backlash is being had against the PPB.

Have a friend that owns/operates an automotive repair
business, and he is a jewel of a person with strong per-
sonal sense of justice and social conscience, and he has
long known of the duplicity that abounds at PPB with all
their overly pampered rogue cops, whom he detests with
a passion. A passion that he is willing to put into action
when the case arises.

During the past holiday season, a PPB cop presented his
vehicle to the shop for repairs of an unknown causation.
This cop was relatively new there, and after he'd left, he
was ran through the "data base" to check up on him.

I digress for a moment to describe the "data base": there
is a group in the area that maintains an active open file
on problematic local law-enforcement personnel, who they
are, personal details, official reprimands, misconducts and
gossip, plus complaints placed by the public-at-large; and
it is very comprehensive. If a cop is a "bad cop" and thinks
he is skating by, better think again...he's in the "data base"
and his sins are known.

OK, back to the tale to be told. The data coming back in-
dicated that this guy had "issues" with homeless people
and was reputed to be excessively brutal and had beaten
a variety of very helpless people for very little logical just-
ifications. A call to a "good cop" who is friend revealed
that the guy didn't have as good a reputation in-house as
he like to think he did, with some thinking him a jerk!

So, what was done was this what actually was wrong with
the vehicle was very minor and such that WD-40 and dose
of compressed air could rectify; but it was written up as an
elaborate costly repair and appropriate exchange of like parts
made, and then a "story" concocted when the dude picked up
the vehicle to pay the now very high bill. My friend is very
well accustomed at dealing with "repair bill shock" and eased
the shocked "victim" on to the "acceptance" phase without
much difficulty and after the grumbling, the man paid the bill
and drove on his way. My friends operates well behind a veil
of the most engaging smile imaginable!

Now, my friend doesn't view this as "stealing", but as simply
"redistribution of wealth" and "justice", for he took the excess
money generated to the penny and simply gave it (along with
a lot of other "excess funds" likewise generated over span of
many months) to an organization that provides meals, along
with turkeys/hams during the holidays for homeless people,
as he figured it their rightful due...all things considered!

Admittedly it's a rather petty affair and minor on the scale
of "backlash reprisals" but it's indicative of the FACT that a
lot more is going on out there than people imagine, for there
is a whole population base that is increasingly outraged to
take action--meaningful actions and not mere words--to
those that can be identify as rogue cops and are far more
creative in doing such than is widely known, or a dullard of a
government functionary's mind can imagine.

People take the view that if indeed there are "good cops"
and there are for sure, then why aren't they actively working
on cleaning house; rather than letting complacency rule or
being intimidated by PPA's cadre of killer-cops that's managed
to grab power and call the shots there? People wonder why
the "good guys" don't step forward and repudiate guys like
Humphreys, Nice, and all the other killer-cops and those they
know that abuse their power? In not doing so, people are left
to mete out reprisals as best they can to whomever is avail-
able for doing such on...whether or not it's based on fact or
strong rumor. The point is this...PPB, City bureaucrats and
politicians, and PPA may think they've got the people of this
town bamboozled and intimidated, but they don't...far from
it. So, shall run on now and thanks again...it's open forums
like this that keep us WE THE PEOPLE from being mushrooms
for we can turn around and shovel it right back...only with a
lot more stink than when it thrown at us. Cheers

Little Birdie, what your friend did is called Theft by Deception. It's not cute, it's a crime. No wonder you dislike cops with the company you keep.

Little Birdie, sure wished you could tell us who the car
repairman is. Sounds like a man after my own heart and
one I'd trust my car with. Besides, bet with his sense of
humor, he could give good pointers on how to stick it to
the PoPo and make 'em squeal in such a way they've no
clue who did it and how, and thus couldn't stomp you to
death for doing it (now they've gone to tasering to exert
their male "authority") Keep up the good life and don't be
so long in letting us read wise words from you again!

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