If Paul Allen had owned the Blazers in the '80s, here's a guy who would have been on the roster, for sure.
Posted by Jack Bogdanski at August 10, 2006 12:57 PM | TrackBack (0)This is bigger news here in Florida then I suspect it is in Oregon.
And though off point a bit (OK, maybe off point a lot)...the mother was registering her kids for school when the assault happened. The school year started YESTERDAY. It is hot, it is humid to beat the band, and I have to slow to 15mph on Hollywood, getting back to my Dad's place, when the light is flashing. Which it is these days.
School starting in the beginning of August...pity the children of Florida.
Posted by: Frank Dufay at August 10, 2006 06:48 PMFast Eddie got close. He played for Seattle in 1987. If he hadn't retired, Paul Allen might have picked him up when he bought the Blazers the next year.
Posted by: Gil Johnson at August 11, 2006 10:01 PM