Our regular reader Frank Dufay is in New Orleans, and the experience is so vivid that he has started a blog about it.
Posted by Jack Bogdanski at August 8, 2006 02:36 PM | TrackBack (0)I posted a link there to a FAIR article about the area and media coverage of same. But, it's more interesting to just read Frank's blog -- he covers most of the same issues, and his writing is much more lively and immediate -- and his pictures are piercing, moving and even, on occasion, spooky. It's interesting -- it's made me think more about blogs and their potential.
I say this all, of course, without any prejudicial predisposition in my heart to favor Mr. Dufay's writings, or photographic skills, over any other’s... :-)
Posted by: Anne Dufay at August 8, 2006 07:58 PM