It must be some feeling, to be turning 80 and still be the best in the world at what you do. Here's to one of the greatest singers our nation has ever produced.
Posted by Jack Bogdanski at August 3, 2006 05:32 PM | TrackBack (0)You're dead-on, Jack. Bennett, at 80, is still going strong, and better than ever in most respects. I believe that Sinatra, then in his prime, was asked to name the best singer ever. Sinatra, with no hesitation, said Tony Bennett. Quite an endorsement.
Posted by: beardo at August 3, 2006 06:37 PMJack, had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Bennett in SF one night and he could not be more gracious.
Congrats to all of us that he is still around and working.
Did you catch the PARADE article Sunday, it really did him justice, what a wonderful down to earth man who hasn't fogotten or stopped loving or living his roots.
Did you catch the PARADE article Sunday
I never read Parade magazine, Swimmer. But...yeah, I read that article because it was Tony Bennett. Made me sad to think how they tried to make him "relevent" singing Beatles covers.
That he came out good --and real-- the other end of the celebrity sweepstakes, well, that's pretty cool.
Posted by: Frank Dufay at August 3, 2006 10:55 PM
I've been wearing out my Tony tracks lately. Hours and hours of the most thoughtful and loving renditions of the best songs ever written. Plus, what accompanists! Tommy Flanagan, Ralph Sharon, Count Basie -- Bill Evans! The stuff is stunning -- almost religious music, and I mean that in a good way.
Posted by: Jack Bog at August 3, 2006 11:36 PMCheck out Tony's artwork.
Talk about multi-talented!
He's one of the greats.
Posted by: Chris McMullen at August 4, 2006 12:43 AM