... if they never held another air show.
Posted by Jack Bogdanski at July 17, 2006 02:06 PM | TrackBack (0)Don't want to sound morbid, but I had a feeling two weeks ago this would be the year...
I'm glad the pilot did what he could to lessen the damage.
Posted by: TKrueg at July 17, 2006 02:11 PMEarlier in the week, before the crash, I had been wondering why the armed forces put on these kinds of events when the risk is so high. It seems like there's some sort of air show death every six months or so, doesn't it?
But then I realized... it's basically a recruitement drive for them, is it not?
Posted by: no one in particular at July 17, 2006 02:41 PMIt is a major recruiting effort for the military, and a fun time for a lot of aviation enthusiasts. Yes, crashes do occur, but then accidents, injuries, and the occassional death occur in a lot of sports. Does that mean we should eliminate all of these activities because someone might get hurt? Maybe we should make it illegal to drive, since auto accidents account for a lot of pain and suffering?
Posted by: Sam at July 17, 2006 03:01 PMI don't care much if the clowns in the cockpits immolate themselves. I don't even care much if spectators who derive so much joy from this stupidity get hurt. But when you start blowing up people's homes, it's time to get a new hobby. Or you can all go down to the desert and watch this junk down there.
Posted by: Jack Bog at July 17, 2006 03:08 PMOr as Homer Simpson observed, "Everybody is so stupid. That's why everything happens."
Posted by: skyview satellite at July 17, 2006 03:31 PMYeah, an air-show in the middle of a residential area seems like it relies too much on a hope and a prayer... they're not doing garden-variety maneuvers, plus there are so many historical planes that don't see active duty on a regular basis.
Wishful thinking not to pay attention to the odds...
Posted by: TKrueg at July 17, 2006 04:29 PMReportedly, the jet that crashed had finished its part of the show and was headed home to California. But it was an antique, piloted by an antique, and it wouldn't have been crashing in Hillsboro if not for the show that brought it here. Indeed, the pilot was reportedly doing some sort of "fly by" for the adoring crowd when he killed himself and leveled the house.
This stuff all needs to be moved to Mojave Desert, where only the enthusiasts are at risk.
Posted by: Jack Bog at July 17, 2006 04:35 PMAnyone else watch/listen to the news conference last night? Nice piece of work, that air show spokesperson. I was particularly offended by his need to point out (repeatedly, with increasing emphasis) that this NEVER happens at this airshow and the plane/pilot were part of a 'static' display at the show, NOT the active display. As if to say, this isn't REALLY the fault of the airshow, just a fanboy/flyboy and his toy.
One of the most transparent and misguided C.Y.A. attempts in some time.
Posted by: TKrueg at July 17, 2006 04:45 PMOf course it's too early to tell yet what went wrong, but given the vast experience of the pilot one must assume either mechanical failure or a medical issue.
Either of which could happen at any time on any flight any where to any pilot.
It's certainly unfortunate that somebody's house got demolished, but isn't it a bit of an overreaction to denounce all air show flying? The same thing could happen (and has happened) with regular aircraft on departure or approach. Air show pilots tend to be some of the best in the world, and safety is always the #1 priority at these shows. Still, accidents will occasionally happen as with anything in life.
I'm a hell of a lot more concerned about the possibility of serious injury or property damage due to ground vehicular activity than I am about the far more remote possibility that a plane might fall on my house...
Posted by: David Wright at July 17, 2006 04:56 PMSo then I take it you have no problem in making the dead guy's estate and the air show operators pay for all the damage that was caused?
Posted by: Jack Bog at July 17, 2006 05:04 PMJack, how would you feel if it plowed into the tram (rimshot)?
Posted by: Alan Bluehole at July 17, 2006 05:13 PMYes, of course (at least I assume your comment was directed at me, Jack).
I believe that pilots must carry liability insurance (it's been so long since I've flown, I don't recall the exact rules and they may have changed since then). Pretty substantial insurance, as I recall -- like at least a million even for light prop planes (those that would cause far less damage than a supersonic figher jet).
So, just as a person who plows a car into your house would be liable for the damages, a pilot who plows his airplane into your house also would be liable.
And I'm not sure about the air show operators' legal liability (doubtless that was the point of the aforementioned news conference claim that the pilot was not an "official" part of the show). That's a bit trickier. But it sounds like in this case the pilot was pretty well-to-do (given his stable of aircraft) so I doubt the home owners will have any problem getting compensated from the pilot's estate/insurance.
Posted by: David Wright at July 17, 2006 05:27 PMKGW is reporting that this was the second time the guy plowed into a home; he did it once before in California in 1989.
I have no problems with airshows; just don't do it over or right next to a residential neighborhood. That's why the Indy 500 is held on an enclosed track and not down the middle of a neighborhood street.
Posted by: Hinckley at July 17, 2006 06:48 PMI would be willing to bet that airport was there long before somebody built a house at the end of its runway
Posted by: ace at July 17, 2006 08:45 PMLoops? Flybys? please....the guy had just taken off (to fly home), had barely gotten over the treeline and had a flameout. Those planes dont glide. No power, no flying.
If they quit having the airshow because of this, then they need to close the airport too.
And as a "military recruitment drive" please...
Its a place to go see a bunch of old planes and stunt pilots.
I have only been to this show once, about a dozen years ago...but I have been to shows in Calif. All the crying about this is just sad.
Stuff happens.
I had been wondering why the armed forces put on these kinds of events when the risk is so high.
Umm, its charity event, not military, and these are the sponsors:
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