"Travis John" won first prize.
The song and the story are here.
Posted by Jack Bogdanski at June 3, 2006 11:46 PM | TrackBack (0)Thanks for the link. What a powerful song. I attended this funeral and what hit me was how young he was. The stories and anecdotes had to be from high school on back because that was it. Just a few years before he was killed, he was literally a kid running around Portland. Even his mother looked impossibly young to be going through this. Sigh. To Steve and Kate, a heartfelt right on. And the twist where Travis's Mom stands in for them at their son's graduation while they're off playing the song? That's too much.
Posted by: Bill McDonald at June 4, 2006 01:18 AMKate Power and Steve Einhorn are great musicians. "Travis John" conveys so well the heartbreak of losing a loved family member in war.
"Travis John" is on their album "Pearls", which has many great feel good and homey folk songs. I commend it to your readers. Please buy it from the Artichoke Music website, at www.artichokemusic.com.