Here's a Google search that led to this blog. Alas, the searcher found no answer to the query here.
But I'll bet some of you have suggestions...
Posted by Jack Bogdanski at April 30, 2006 10:28 PM | TrackBack (0)So what's the deal with Council Crest? It's there on the list. Is it too crowded these days?
I used to use Washington Park. I would think that there are places on, or just off, Skyline Blvd., but I'm not a west sider.
Posted by: godfry at April 30, 2006 10:54 PMTerwilliger below pill hill....westmoreland park parking lot....diddler's beach...rocky butte....riverview cemetery.
Posted by: veiledorchid at May 1, 2006 06:23 AM