
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 12, 2006 8:42 PM. The previous post in this blog was A weary world rejoices. The next post in this blog is Game report: Blazers 111, Suns 101. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, March 12, 2006

Blazers 111, Suns 101

Game report at 11 -- er, probably more like 2.

Comments (6)

what a bunch of losers, the sooner they (and PA) leave PDX the better off we will be.

I tuned in because Phoenix is the most fun team to watch in the NBA--maybe in all of professional sports. And Steve Nash is a wizard. But tonight, Steve Blake played like Steve Nash.

The Blazers all looked good. Phoenix looked tired.

I was there tonight, first time this season. I had low expectations when the game started and it was like a morgue the first minutes of the game.

By the end though, it got loud, not like a few years ago during the deep playoff runs, but a nice ending. Better than losing by 30.

It is interesting watching Darius shoot. When he misses people are why did he take that shot (especially the air ball), but when he was on, the cheers came down.

Zach's 70 footer to end the half was exciting.

They are a dysfunctional crew, but they have their moments.

aaw- Thanks for articulating a very complex point in a way we can all understand. I like the use of 'losers' to actually mean "winners", being that the Blazers won and all. Deft use of irony!

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