
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 10, 2006 2:16 PM. The previous post in this blog was A league of their own. The next post in this blog is Ludicrous Paul Allen Quotation of the Day. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, March 10, 2006

Have a nice weekend

Comments (11)

I've read a couple previews that say the first 4 episodes they've shown to reviewers look awesome.

Sunday is going to be a loooong day:-)

Did Homer Williams shave his beard?

I got my cable and TiVo back just in time...!

Coincidence? Hardly.

I am sooooo stoked.

Note: At the HBO site, one can watch a scene between Chris and the FBI guys in a pizza joint. Good stuff.

Finally. Something we can all agree on.

Jack, in my ignorance, I thought that this was a picture of you. I guess it's a TV show, but I haven't watched TV in 20 years.
Somehow, that pose struck me as you and how you felt about the city and all the rest.

There are nights when I want to whack a coupla people.

I hope there aren't too many new characters this season.

All too obvious prediction: Paulie will be dead by the end of the season.

What a show!!!!!! A shocker! But I really don't like the Cayenne.....

Yeah... did I sense a little product placement in the form of a Porche Cayenne? Other than that, what a show. I forgot how much I missed it.

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