
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 25, 2006 5:34 PM. The previous post in this blog was The thrill of victory. The next post in this blog is Potter hospitalized. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, February 25, 2006

Time is running out

There are only six and a half hours left in Nice Week on this blog. After midnight, we're gonna let it all hang out... And there will be some issues to address. Boy, do we have issues. So if you've got something nice to say on a Saturday evening, now's your chance.

(Note: Time stamps on comments for this post were changed in a server migration.)

Comments (18)


If anybody is seeking a really decent Middle Eastern restaurant to please their palates, I highly recommend Ya Halah, at SE 80th and Stark, in Montavilla proper.

Thank you Jack for this Blog, it is nice to have someone make sense on the issues, and also to guide us to the jewels like the basket ball video story, and all the holiday cards, this blog has been a godsend for keeping the faith and laughing and not crying at the craziness of our current political situation.

Yes. Thank you, Jack.

The singing christmas card you posted in December was great. I sent it on to my son. When I called him, my 4-year-old granddaughter and my daughter-in-law were dancing to it.

Nicholas' is also very good Lebanese food (next to Andy & Bax), and inexpensive. Very casual atmosphere.

I heard *** has a very nice development director that was just hired. That's good news!

Nice Tie. Is that a clip-on?

Here are some NICE web sites:

If you want to see road conditions around Oregon, go to tripcheck.com.

If you want lots of official info. about real estate around this area, go to portlandmaps.com.

If you want to see what real estate may be worth, take a look at zillow.com.

Jack, I hope you brew up a nice pot of coffee (or tea) to see you through your impending all-nighter. Make sure to stop and watch the sun rise... that's always nice.

Another nice thought: to get the news, watch The Daily Show on the Comedy Channel.

I like my cat.

I thought Nice Week was a fun idea, but it’s time to get back to the Tough Love. In case anyone is having trouble leaving this behind here’s the Etymology: Middle English, foolish, wanton, from Old French, from Latin "nescius" ignorant, from "nescire" not to know.

Enough with the nice already.

I think that it is nice that nice week is almost over. Nice is boring.

As far as Middle Eastern food Arabian Breeze on NE Broadway (just down from Sweet Basil) is good and reasonably priced.

The shicken at Gustav's was particularly good tonight.

The Pilsner Urquell was particularly nice tonight.

Molly: is "Shicken" a typo, or a racially insensitive stereotype of how some Blond Haired/Blue Eyed ethnic group might pronounce chicken.

I have several friends visiting from Germany, and they don't take kindly to Americans laughing at their English.

Veee haf vays off makeen you tak, Miss Molly.

Vays that are not so nice, I should add.

Paul Allen's hair looks better than usual.

is "Shicken" a typo

Just bad spelling. Should be "Schinken".

Just want to say I appreciated "nice week."

Nice week was, well, kinda nice.

Can we keep the kitten on the home page? I miss the happy, nice kitty.

In reference to the drop off in visitors during nice week, I guess we now know why bad news in newspapers sells...or why the Matrix's first attempt at harvesting people with happy thoughts failed miserably.

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