
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 12, 2005 2:04 PM. The previous post in this blog was "Time is a wasting asset". The next post in this blog is Boris. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, September 12, 2005

Bring back b!X

Portland's hardest-working blogger, known as the One True b!X, has been absent from the scene for what seems like an eternity now. He announced burnout more than a week ago, and his posting had slacked off quite a bit in the week or two before that announcement.

His Portland Communique has been a valuable asset to anyone with an interest in public life in the City of Portland, and it would be a shame to lose it. Readers who share my view about that are urged to drop the guy a line and tell him we miss his blog.

Comments (4)

When we had our cup of coffee this morning and we sat down at our desk, we turned on our computer and noticed your appeal to bring back the One True b!X. We scratched our head and said, “You mean there’s just one of them?” I hope b!X comes back. This city needs them.

Sorry I can't agree - b!x was even more liberal than you and you're about as far left as I'd care to see/read. You're odd, you rail (properly so) against things like the SoWhat district and it's possible tax abatements, etc. Then you turn around and try to rip the President a new one. Yup, guess Kerry would have done better, course he'd have had to ask France what to do first.


Welcome to the blog world. I say this because it appears that you've been mostly exposed to sorts of bloggers that separate into binary categories (liberal or conservative).

If you keep looking, you'll find that there are so many more flavors and nuances in the blogosphere, that the nice tidy left/right continuum advanced by CNN's Crossfire (or Hannity & Colmes) is what seems truly weird.

In a previous post where someone questioned Jack's "liberal" credentials, I described him as a "practical moderate with a low tolerance for BS."

Jack says he tends to be left of center on national issues and right of center on local issues. Whatever the case, he has a unique point of view and calls 'em like he sees 'em.

I value that he is not beholden to a party line. Even when I disagree with him, I'm likely to learn something.

So this is a longwinded way of saying "don't write off B!x completely." If you look, you will probably learn some valuable things from his site (even if it's just a better understanding of a "progressive" acquaintance). And if you post your disagreements thoughtfully, maybe others will learn from you too.

I'm not quite sure which Blog aaa is reading that leaves him/her with the impression that Prof. Bog is some type of leftie radical.
I'm in agreement with pancho pdx in that Jack calls 'em as he sees 'em w/o concern for fitting within the constraints of partisan labels- which are my real beef.
Oregon has (had)a long history of unconventional political wisdom. Traditional labels of Republican or Democrat, liberal or conservative were useless in describing the political maverick that this state used to produce. (I'm thinking Tom McCall- (r)Republican for starters, but there are many, many more)The types of folks guided by a sense of individualism and decency, unafraid to buck the system to either make this state a better place for all of us or just to get around the politics as usual nonsense.
Sadly, political discourse in this once great state of ours has been homogenized to match the dismal, bright-line dichotomy of the national scene- your either one side or the other.
I've enjoyed B!x's blog not so much that I agree with whatever his positions may be on any issue but because he actually cares enough about what's going on around here to dish out some info so that others can access info that is otherwise overlooked and make up their own minds about what they think.

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