
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 10, 2004 1:39 AM. The previous post in this blog was Scene from a hiatus. The next post in this blog is Decade. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

E-mail, Feeds, 'n' Stuff

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

This preview is rated PG-13

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Comments (25)

Welcome back!

Yee-haw!! He's back on the 15th!!

I'm glad.

First Will Ferrill reprises his role as President George Bush for a Democratic commercial, and now Bojack is back...damn I love the internet.

Yeah! I knew I kept checking in for a reason!!

Uh-oh, Willy Week's gonna take away my "best of" now.

Someone out there has WAY WAY WAY too much time on their hands.
And that was excellent.


Nice shirt, Jack! And welcome back. Judging from the multimedia extravaganza, I guess you won't be rationing your online efforts?

Now we know what Jack's really been doing during the hiatus...directing videos! Welcome back, Jack. It'll be good to have you around again.

welcome back. just be sure to take some time to yourself so that you don't burnout blogging again.

On my son's birthday, no less. Excellent timing if you ask me. =)

The internet isn't the same without Jack. Welcome back!!!

Remarkable! Wonderful!
Welcome home.

Ah, good.

This is actually my first time here, and after that a intriguing video, I'm sure I'll be back to check it out when you are back....

Booyah!!! I look forward to it. B!X rocks, and I appreciate your perspective too.

How come all I get is the rad song and none of the video? What do I do to get the images? Can anyone help me?

Hey, right on that the man is back in action. Good times rollin towards the election.

Does this mean that 1221 SW 4th will FINALLY be updated with a DIFFERENT story?

Ethan: I think you need to get a recent version of Windows Media Player.

The music is from Toni Childs, "Don't Walk Away," from her stunning late '80s album "Union."

Dude, can't you see that we're like ravenous hyenas, drooling and pacing back and forth, waiting for a piece of your political commentary!?! Give it up dawg! Give us a juicy chunk of commentary. Your hiatus is like so cold-blooded. I can't wait anymore!

Patience, Grasshopper. Sunday.

Are you sure you're not gay? Everyone I knew in high school who had that album and really dug Toni was flaming, flaming, flaming.

Good song to dig up. Nice timing and spacing with video and overlays.

Man, The whole Jack Slog thing is so totally bogart...no one, and I mean NO ONE, man, would ever, ever think that was me.

I mean, If you gonna be impersonatin my stuff, at least make it, like, believable.

Ya feeling Me?

Man, The whole Jack Slog thing is so totally bogart...no one, and I mean NO ONE, man, would ever, ever think that was me.

I mean, If you gonna be impersonatin my stuff, at least make it, like, believable.

Ya feeling Me?


Listed below are links to weblogs that reference This preview is rated PG-13:

» Jack Bog's Blog from AboutItAll.com | Oregon
The "godfather" of Oregon blogging will return on August 15th. Welcome Back Jack. It looks like you had a great month and a half off. [Read More]

» Good News Tuesday from worldwide pablo
Jack Bog's Blog has some good news today, and it gives a hint of what Jack's really been doing during his summer hiatus. Apparently Michael Jackson's director was available... [Read More]

» Beware the ides of August . . . from Isaac Laquedem
. . . if you are one of Jack Bogdanski's regular targets. It's good news for the rest of us: the professor returns to Blogland on August 15. [Read More]

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