
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 24, 2013 6:42 AM. The previous post in this blog was Window dressing pronounced satisfactory. The next post in this blog is Gatsby taking lead in nuclear waste dump siting. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, January 24, 2013

I blame Google

First this, then this. Coincidence? We think not.

Comments (6)

Well the NSA is a silent partner of Google...

Talk about being tone deaf

Does he think that having access to the net will liberate the people of the Hermit Kingdom and open up markets there?

Who will be selling the $.25 smartphone that the masses will need?

Let's see- eat today, or check my email?

They haven't allowed the net in NK because they can't use it to subjugate the masses more efficiently.

Anything would help the people there. Airdrop some Think Pads first?

To understand North Korea, I recommend reading this book, "The Orphan Masters Son".
An astonishing good read. Think Byronic Hero meets Ivan Denisovich. The author knows of what he writes of.



I suspect Schmidt's real agenda for the visit was to pick up a few pointers. He represents, in my opinion, all that is bad about our brave new world.

El Supremo leader of Executive orders is Schmid's puppet master.

Suggest adding "Nothing to Envy" and "The Cleanest Race" to your reading list. Then scan any tourist guide to South Korea. Such a contrast, which surely can't last forever, and a bigger problem than Google can solve.

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