
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 31, 2012 3:46 PM. The previous post in this blog was Drunk Timbers killer, fugitive to plead. The next post in this blog is Spirits in the night. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Election porn, Clackistani-style

Speaking of the southern rebels, they do have a way with campaign literature:

Comments (12)

Seems to make the point clear.

I feel slighted as we didn't receive this one.

Yeah - I turned my ballot in last week - I didn't get one of these either! You folks in Multnomah County/ Portland would get lively flyers too -- if you didn't have one party rule.

That's actually pretty good...

I swear these two were just on my front porch with their hands out for more. This time all they got was a baby butterfinger.

Clear and to the point. Love it!!

Wouldn't it be nice if any politician (elected OR appointed) that voted for a public such as light rail, or dense development, would be required to partake in it? As in - if you vote for light rail, you're required to use it (and sell any and all automobiles you own) every day, every trip?

Of course, TriMet's Board of Directors would have a little problem, given that none of them use transit.

Sure would be nice to have some island at least of sanity nearby. I just discovered another idiotic move by Portland city hall. The east ramps of the Hawthorne bridge were restructured this past year, making it more difficult for cars to enter and exit the Hawthorne bridge when traveling north on Grand. The reason: erection of a public art project trying to replicate the previous warehouse building which stood at this location many a decade ago. $700k spent as a tribute to the eastside streetcar (2% of public construction monies, not the normal 1% mind you for public art). But the real cost is the loss of productiviy as passenger cars and freight trucks have to negotiate more abrupt turns.
Portland city hall and Multnomah County Government is a cruel joke on everyday Portlanders.
The only practical solution I can see is to move to some place like Clackamas county if it should be successful in turning back "smart (as in satire) growth."

The east ramps of the Hawthorne bridge were restructured this past year, making it more difficult for cars to enter and exit the Hawthorne bridge when traveling north on Grand. The reason: erection of a public art project trying to replicate the previous warehouse building which stood at this location many a decade ago.

There's also a Xerox-owned red-light camera at that intersection (Grand and Madison). The new design forces traffic going onto the bridge to go through the camera's field of view, allowing them to rake in more dough.

Finally some election porn that turns me on.

We finally get to see the self-appointed nobility as they really are. Queen Charlotte is in Wonderland shouting ,"Off with their heads!!! "

This has got to be the best election mailer I've ever seen. It sets a new bar for the entertainment factor of electioneering. Now I can't wait to see what the next election brings!


there is a hilarious one coming out about the LO Mayoral race....very clever!

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