
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 3, 2012 4:25 AM. The previous post in this blog was Freeway Blogger passes through Portland again. The next post in this blog is Souter! Souter!. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

October surprise: war with Iran?

Let's hope not.

Comments (7)

Definitely gotta keep an eye & ear on that.

Glad to see they are considering a plan that has served us so well.

Seems pretty easy to understand, but with very dangerous consequences indeed. If Iran shuts the Strait, the U.S. will strike quickly. Iran will react and call it war. That war will finally give the powers a green light to launch missiles into the country and attack Iran's nuclear plants. What Iran will do next is anyone's guess. I doubt Russia will be very happy about any of this.

On a positive note at least we have strong leadership in the world to prevent things from going too far...


That's quite a picture in the link.

If you go to the word "in" in the title and drop down to the water, you can see about where I was born. There's a little town called Dhahran. To us, it was just a peaceful, isolated place - home - but then, of course, the region became the center of the geo-political world.

I can even see an indentation along the shoreline south of town in the picture. That's a bay where I used to swim with the dolphins when I was a teenager.

We'll have war with Iran in October only if Obama is a long way behind in the polls.

"War" is about the only tool left to make any serious money these days. The zombie banks have just about played their last cards, so expect more than just war in the near future.

And by-the-way, let's stop calling this war - it's profit by mass murder and destruction.

Leading the masses to war has always been the way the power elite changes the topic at hand.

(and it makes a boatload of money for some of them)

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