Another little shaker at Hanford
Just a 1.0, at about 9:30 tonight, but right across the river from our region's disgusting nuclear wasteland. That's three earthquakes in the same place in less than three weeks. If a big one hits up there, there'll be hell to pay from all the nuclear waste that's sitting around in old tanks and spent fuel pools.
Comments (2)
Quakes at Hanford are not rare. They have come in swarms, as late as 2009:
Posted by Lawrence | May 19, 2011 7:01 AM
Another reason why Hanford should not become the nation's repository and dispository for radioactive materials and hazardous chemicals. There's a hearing tonight at the Doubletree Hotel in the Lloyd Center in Portland- 5:30-9:30 PM. DOE is considering doubling the waste at Hanford and adding much more plutonium to the mix. The three earthquakes there the past week can be taken as a sign that nature is giving us... which I hope testifiers will let the DOE know...
Posted by Barbara LaMorticella | May 19, 2011 10:40 AM