
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 14, 2010 9:37 PM. The previous post in this blog was The rest of the 'dogs are now up. The next post in this blog is Customer service to the bottle return. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Mayor Creepy backs off drug testing of Portland cops

Well, of course he does. Because it could eventually lead to drug testing of him. Like the blood-alcohol test the police didn't give him when he recklessly crashed his truck into some folks out at Jantzen Beach. Allegedly reeking of beer and with his pants unzipped.

Portlanders often wonder why their police are so out of control. Could it be because the civilian leadership is a revolving cast of knuckleheads?

Comments (9)

Leadership? NOT!

What???? Dare to keep Portland's popo drug free? That's a dream that is unlikely to happen.

what a joke. Who runs that place? oh children.

Why is the drug testing even part of the labor negotiations?

The city could require that any city employee must face drug testing if they ever drive a city vehicle, or when they drive any vehicle (or scooter or bike) when clocked-in, and even when away at some remote conference.

Would the Portland Police believe that they are special and that they could negotiate an exemption? (The union itself got an exemption from lobbyist reporting requirements because they have a contract.)

Heck, the city could extend the drug testing requirement to people whom the city contracts for services, professional or otherwise, such as Roy Kaufmann himself. To which he could reply: "It’s something that we expect to talk about in negotiations[.]" To which the city could say, take it or leave it, that's the offer.

Every time I see the word "stakeholder" (not used here for some odd reason even though it would seem to apply) I cannot help but immediately see exemptions and exceptions and special treatment for someone that otherwise does not conform to generally applicable law.

"Why is the drug testing even part of the labor negotiations?"

Because too many people would fail.

dman:what a joke. Who runs that place? oh children.

Are you referring to our council leaders?
Quite frankly, I think some children would do better for our city.

Instead of being tested, the PPB wants your drugs:

Rx Drug Turn-In Event

Turn in your unused prescription drugs!

Portland Police Bureau and Crime Prevention
Partner to Provide Prescription Drug Turn-In Event

SATURDAY, September 18th 2010
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Gateway Fred Meyer Store
Northeast 102nd and Halsey

Look for the Portland Police Bureau Mobile Precinct

The purpose of the one day event is to destroy unused and potentially dangerous prescription drugs in a manner that raises awareness about the abuse of prescription drugs among teens, while protecting our waterways. Community members will be able to turn in unused prescription medications, obtain information about keeping kids safe from the abuse of prescriptions drugs, and interact with Crime Prevention Coordinators and Portland Police Officers. Prescription medications turned in at this event will be incinerated.


♦ Expired or unwanted prescription medications*
♦ Drugs that are no longer used*
♦ Medicine from deceased family members*
(Leave all medicines in their original containers if possible)
Please do NOT bring thermometers, needles, or medical waste of any type.

For more information contact:
Jenni Bernheisel at 503-823-2781 or Jenni.Bernheisel@portlandoregon.gov

Katherine Anderson
Southeast Crime Prevention Coordinator
Office of Neighborhood Involvement
1081 SE Oak Street
Portland OR 97214

NEW EMAIL ADDRESS Katherine.Anderson@portlandoregon.gov
Visit the Crime Prevention website: www.portlandonline.com/oni/cp

To help ensure equal access to City programs, services and activities, the City of Portland will reasonably modify policies/procedures and provide auxiliary aids/services to persons with disabilities. Call 503-823-4000, or the City's TTY at 503-823-6868, or the Oregon Relay Service at 1-800-735-2900 no less than five (5) business days prior to the event.

Hmmm. knowing what tweekers the cops are a bit of fun repackaging might be in order for the turn in..... I not into drugs... but a bit of MDMA or Vitamin Q or LSD in a vallium or oxyco(whatever) bottle might have some interesting results.

Love what I read here this evening...may be back...

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