
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 4, 2010 6:00 AM. The previous post in this blog was Two great Portland government programs rolled into one. The next post in this blog is Dead zone. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Another gushing travel guide to Portland

At least this one is written by somebody who actually lives here.

Comments (13)

All I can say is WTF. It's almost an alternate universe.

The cuisine section is laughable in that there are really good places in this city and none are mentioned there.

And please try to use quick and convenient mass transit in my neighborhood, oh say on a weekend or any time that is not rush hour or during communte times try to go somewhere other than downtown Portland. You cannot get there from here.

I think that's some of the best dry wit and skewering of travelspeak I've ever seen. This guy/gal not only lives here but gets it.

Can we all agree that 95% of us are saying "hats off" to Sam Adams?

Happy Easter

I'm surprised the downturn in the economy hasn't done even more to hurt tourism in Vegas. I guess the neon light will continue to draw people in.

Now this is a good example of mushy blubbery.
Man oh man, whew!

Very funny! Esp. re: chuckie cheese blvd. Although I am sick of hearing about how families are "pushed out" of Portland proper into the hinterlands. These developments are more about buying BIG and NEW than any economic oppression from the intelligencia. I looked at 30+ family homes in Portland that were comparable prices to what I could have bought in Orenco. Sure they are bigger, but how about quality of life (and not living in identical homes 5 feet apart)? People who are buying out there wouldn't live in NE, N or SE irregardless of the price. I've lived here all my life, growing up on Germantown (b4 it was an fancypants neighborhood) and have seen the nauseating sea of shake expand across farmland for the past 25 years. People buy in subdivisions because of both economic factors and because that fits their view of what a home and community is. On another note what will happen to these subdivisions over time? Do we really see them transforming into established neighborhoods like Hollywood or Ladd's, or will they wither into Los Angeles-like sprawl as their owners seek newer and bigger homes farther out?
Ugh. Sorry for the rant, but it had to be said.

Interesting comments.
I thought the plan we were indoctrinated with was that "smart growth" was supposed to stop sprawl?? I thought our great planning was supposed to save our farmland??

Seems our best fertile farmland within our valley has been covered now with development. How smart is that when we don't know about the food production needed in future years? How about now, with economic times, in the past people had yards to grow food if needed? Great job, planners!!

Oh, I guess we can now eat food from China!!
Take a look folks as I did recently in a high end grocery store, some frozen food packages(vegetables) had a tiny black stamp on the back: "Product of China"!
How sustainable is that? Importing food from China, polluted water, yummy!

Strawberry Fields:

Very very good! I love the wit! Takes forever to hit all the links but well worth the time!

Now that I've wiped off my monitor and dried out my keyboard, I can warn others that this this is not a good article to read over a cup of tea.

Well done.

I tell everyone that I live near CCB. They all smile affectionately.

"People who are buying out there wouldn't live in NE, N or SE irregardless of the price. I've lived here all my life, growing up on Germantown (b4 it was an fancypants neighborhood) and have seen the nauseating sea of shake expand across farmland for the past 25 years. People buy in subdivisions because of both economic factors and because that fits their view of what a home and community is."

Or because their kids can get a better education than PPS offers... an education that would teach a kid words like 'regardless', or 'irrespective', but not 'irregardless'.

Before I hit "post" I checked it out, and I hit 'post' anyway, just so I could correct myself with this post, since I am a rude a$$hole.

My bad, but I love this definition:

From Urban Dictionary:

1. irregardless
Used by people who ignorantly mean to say regardless. According to webster, it is a word, but since the prefix "ir" and the suffx "less" both mean "not or with" they cancel each other out, so what you end up with is regard. When you use this to try to say you don't care about something, you end up saying that you do.

Of course everyone knows what you mean to say and only a pompous, rude asshole will correct you.

Wife: "Irregardless is not a word, dummy"
Husband: "Kiss my ass bitch! I'm still going to the strip club tonight!"

That blogger needs to take a writing class. Preferably back in California.

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