
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 24, 2009 6:27 PM. The previous post in this blog was Prior to the play, unnecessary roughness. The next post in this blog is Merry Christmas. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Sleep tight

34 Cortland Street
Newark, New Jersey

December 24, 1958

Comments (5)

I do believe I recognize the stuffed animal in your hand.

Events of 1958

# December 9 – The right-wing John Birch Society is founded in the USA by Robert Welch, a retired candy manufacturer.
# December 14 – The 3rd Soviet Antarctic Expedition becomes the first ever to reach the Southern Pole of Inaccessibility.
# December 19 – President Dwight D. Eisenhower broadcasts a message from a Project SCORE satellite.
# December 21 – General Charles de Gaulle is elected president of France with 78.5% of the votes.
# December 24 – A BOAC Bristol Britannia (312 G-AOVD) crashes near Winkton, England during a test flight.
# December 25 – Tchaikovsky's ballet The Nutcracker (the George Balanchine version) is shown on prime-time television in color for the first time, as an episode of the CBS anthology series Playhouse 90.
# December 28 – The Baltimore Colts beat The New York Giants 23–17 in overtime to win The NFL Championship.
# December 29 – Rebel troops under Che Guevara begin to invade Santa Clara, Cuba. Fulgencio Batista resigns two days later, on the night of the 31st.
# December 31 – As the year draws to a close, tallies reveal that, for the first time, total passengers carried by air exceeds total passengers carried by sea in transatlantic service.


# The largest solar maximum in the recorded history of solar maxima occurs.
# Instant noodles go on sale for the first time.


December 1 – Charlene Tilton, American actress
December 11 - Nikki Sixx, American rock musician
December 25 – Rickey Henderson, African-American baseball player
December 31 – Bebe Neuwirth, American actress


Best Picture: The Bridge on the River Kwai

Awww...look at those dimples!

It makes me want to go out and buy that flocking kit and the window transfers with Christmas designs! Do they make those things anymore?

I'm surprised that nobody online has held a virtual manger scene competition (modern and "politically correct" adaptations welcome). While I wait, I enjoy stories like the following:


At the risk of embarrassing you, this is adorable. Thanks for posting.

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