
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 30, 2009 8:21 AM. The previous post in this blog was Reader poll: Send Roman Polanski to prison?. The next post in this blog is Big week for Gatsby. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Bad boy, bad boy, whatcha -- look out!

There's been a lot of media attention paid lately to the hazards of texting while driving. The practice is dangerously distracting.

How about being filmed for "Cops" while driving? Is that too distracting? And is that what happened here?

Comments (8)

Avoiding your Mayor in a public restroom is a distraction. Texting while driving is negligence.

How distracting is it when the police are typing on their in car computers and still driving?

It appears that the driver of the other vehicle was drunk. I guess the cop hating will have to wait for another day.

The most recent account of the accident says that the Subaru veered into the officers lane and hit him head on. Alcohol is believed to be a factor in the accident. Doesn't sound like it had anything to do with being filmed for Cops. Could have happened to any of us. I wonder if the camera was rolling at the time of the accident, could make for an interesting episode. Sounds like all involved will be ok.

They have one of those scenes from Denver years ago. Two cruisers going Code 3 to an armed robbery t-boned each other on camera. Luckily, all walked away okay but that was some scary video.

Maybe there should be a COPS film crew trailing Thumper Humphries around 24/7.

Not to get too far off the thread but why aren't officers like Humphreys and the like required to record their encounters.
We've got the technology.

Even the nice officer who gave me a seatbelt ticket in Tualatin turned on his recorder as soon as he got to my window...

The most recent account of the accident says that the Subaru veered into the officers lane and hit him head on. Alcohol is believed to be a factor in the accident.

That is the police account.

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