
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 7, 2009 1:41 AM. The previous post in this blog was Cue the Gershwin while I give you the finger. The next post in this blog is Typical. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

You see this sign?

Nico-rage hits the Oregon bar scene.

Comments (7)

An understandable response to fascism.

Why is it the business owner's job to enforce the law? What the heck do we have police for?

Why didn't the police do the bust?


Maybe because the police weren't hanging out Medford's local strip joint early Tuesday morning, and the bouncer figured he would stop the guy before the fire spread.

He went from Mill City all the way to Medford to act out?


An understandable response to fascism.

to be fascist you need a dictator, rabid nationalism, and if you're going for the bonus, racial pride.

i've always found it interesting when folks forget that what's most fascist about America is the rabid flag-waving, my-country-love-it-or-leave-it, quietly racist, "real American" fear-mongerers who are, in fact, about *less* freedom.

instead, they throw the "fascist" label around to mean "the government has made too many laws that I personally don't like."

From reading comments about the new smoking rules I've learned that the whole problem with the Nazi's was that they banned smoking in bars.


to be fascist you need a dictator, rabid nationalism, and if you're going for the bonus, racial pride.

Don't forget the merger of big business and government into a corporate state FTW.

In the main your comment is dead on. Point well taken.

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