
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 27, 2008 2:25 PM. The previous post in this blog was Republican from Alaska. The next post in this blog is Will Blazers win their division?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, October 27, 2008


The paid circulation of the dead-tree version of The Oregonian has dropped below the 300,000 level. The latest figures, released today, place it at 283,321.

Comments (13)

I'm sure it's due to David Reinhard's departure.

Did David Reinhard leave? Thank god.

I'm an Oregonian subscriber. I'd hate to see it disappear. I must say I've already seen the quality diminish markedly in the last year or two.

Seems like people got tired of the choice -- paper or slapstick -- so they chose slapstick for their entertainment nickel.

I was surprised to hear they still have news in paper form. That isn't very environmentally friendly since I can get all the news I need online for free. No trees harmed.

Too late to sell. Nothing but future red ink. Take the tax write off and donate the whole albatross to Duin and Canzano. Step aside and watch the inferno that follows.

I was surprised to hear they still have news in paper form. That isn't very environmentally friendly since I can get all the news I need online for free. No trees harmed.

But it isnt free. You had to buy a computer, and pay for internet service. And you need electricity. Unfortunately birds are harmed in the wind farms, and fish are harmed in the dams. Better buy a bicycle-powered generator for the future.

BTW, trees were harmed for the house you live in, and the tissue you use in the toilet.

I imagine the big newspapers will be the next industry seeking a gov't bailout.

I can see them queuing up right behind GM.

...trees were harmed for the house you live in, and the tissue you use in the toilet

But if I use the O for toilet tissue, doesn't that neutralize the harm done to the trees by producing the newspaper?

Let's see, which section should it be?

If you use the Friday "How We Live Sustainably" section, you'll reduce your carbon butt print.

I don't know why we're so down on paper production. If you drive out hwy 30 and look at the stands of cottonwoods for pulp you quickly realize that those are not forests, they're farms.

Paper is a vital fuel for our regional economic engine. I don't see solar panels or windmills replacing it any time soon.

The Oregonian is such a lousy paper that I have to subscribe to a real newspaper so I can stay current. I still get the O in the mail box so I can follow some local stories and sports but I ignore any editorial content. The O staff consists of narrow minded liberal bigots so there isn't really any point in reading their columns.

Wow -- Christian Science Monitor is bagging the print edition. Now that's a milestone. Dead tree papers are doomed.


Till they pry my dead cold fingers from my hot coffee cup in the morning, I will be reading a newspaper, a real one, not an online one.

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