
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 6, 2008 7:51 PM. The previous post in this blog was Colwood Golf Course has friends. The next post in this blog is Metro clone: The Interstate Bridge is fine as is. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Trouble on Tabor

The City of Portland is reporting that it has shut down the north side of the large reservoir on Mount Tabor after finding in it this morning "a 2 gallon jug of latex paint, a vertical, orange construction barricade, a bundle of informational fliers and 5 tennis balls."

Now, tennis balls in the reservoir are common, and probably innocent. There's a tennis court near there, and you'd be amazed at how wild the shots can get. The rest of the stuff, however, is likely the work of a vandal. I hope they catch the offender. Throwing junk into a water supply is probably a pretty heavy offense, and they should throw the book at him or her.

I also hope this doesn't turn into another "cover the reservoirs" crusade.

Whose "informational fliers" were they? It wasn't election porn, was it?

Comments (1)

Hmmm, the Water Bureau has 24/7 security at Mt. Tabor and a ton of cameras as well. Maybe they need to be a little more alert.

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