
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 5, 2008 10:42 PM. The previous post in this blog was Straight outta Denver (not work safe). The next post in this blog is My country 'tis of thee, sweet land of torture. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

E-mail, Feeds, 'n' Stuff

Monday, May 5, 2008

Is this your wallet?

We often marvel at the power of the internet, but here's a test. This afternoon the Mrs. found a wallet on the ground at NE 52nd and Halsey in Portland:

Here's the person whose ID is in the wallet:

We've tried our best to find him with Google and other free internet search resources, but we can't come up with a phone number or e-mail address for this fellow, even though his Social Security card is in the wallet.

Now, our readers have solved many a mystery for us over the years, but are we strong enough to find this man and get him in touch with us at blog headquarters? The e-mail address at which to contact us is here.

Comments (19)

Not much to go on with what is shown. Red Cross might contact him and tell him you have his wallet.

We've got name, address, Social, DMV ID no., Red Cross card, bank deposit slip, library card, and a couple of other cards. But no phone number or e-mail address.

Or money, or credit cards.

I second the idea about contacting the Red Cross. They're really good about keeping up to date information (and will contact you the second you're good to give blood again...).

If not, maybe the DMV? Or, if it's not too far, drive to the address?

Is one of the other cards a school ID? They'd probably be able to get it back to him.

The address isn't too close to our place (or to the place where the wallet was found). The guy has a common name, and so that's no help.

The Red Cross might be of assistance. There's also a bank card that might be productive.

I was hoping that with the Social Security number, there would be some way to dredge up a phone number.

If you haven't already, you might try searching whitepages.com for his last name and the city that his address is in, he might live with his parents and they might have a listed number. Or you could try the reverse address lookup at whitepages


Thanks. We've already tried WhitePages, to no avail.

Why not just take it to the police?

We may do that. In the old days, didn't people just drop these things in the mailbox?

I believe it was you, Cabbie, who first showed me Zabasearch a while back. It was the first place I tried on this man last night. No luck.

Just for kicks, I looked up an old friend who has been hounded for years, like as in dozens of phone calls each day, over his deceased father's debts. Don't know how he did it, but his name pulls up nothing whatsoever.

Do you need a volunteer to go to the address?

Folks, don't be a knucklehead like this guy and leave your SSN card in your wallet. Memorize the number and leave it in a safe. He's lucky someone with good intentions found his wallet...

Yeah, someone got my SSN somewhere (off a credit card application???) and opened a bunch of accounts in my name. Now I get the fun of dealing with ID theft.

Is he of high-school age?

If so, perhaps you can figure out what high school he attends based on residence and see if there is a student enrolled there by that name.

If the address is a house instead of an apartment, you can check the ownership of the house with a title company. If it's owned by someone with the same last name as on the ID, it's a good bet that the owners are his parents, and they might be listed in the phone book without an address.

What about the library? If they are unwilling to simply provide a phone number and address, why not entrust them with the responsibility of notifying him?

Try spock.com

did you try to look him up on myspace/facebook?

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