
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 10, 2008 10:40 PM. The previous post in this blog was Exception. The next post in this blog is Surprise! Biofuel producers pollute. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, March 10, 2008

Who busted Spitzer?

The IRS!

Comments (11)

It's too bad. As far as politicians go, he was indeed the rare 'Elliot Ness' missing in a major governmental post. Maybe he's more suspect now, but his body of work is impressive... I dunno, this is just really tough to hear.

He was done in by testosterone, not the IRS.

And no small amount of hubris.

I think they charged $500 extra for hubris.

What a slime ball!
How could he behave in such a manner as to hurt his 3 children and his wife this way!?

I have to laugh at all the hyper-partisans shills when their holier than thou politicos get outed as the lying hypocrites they really are.

This is classic stuff: one of the Kos kids tries to argue Spitzer is *not* a hypocrite.


I just *KNOW* that McCain / Bush / Rove / Cheney is behind this, or some other right-wing conspiracy.

Where's the link? Anyone?

Ok, Now how to we tie this to Hillary. Anyone?

Greg C

I would like to see who the clients 1-8 are!

Is this awfully rightwing enough?

Spitzer Bust Provides a Warning Regarding NSA Spying, by Dave Lindorff, March 11, 2008

... Now reportedly, this particular investigation was being conducted by the IRS, which allegedly was investigating the Emperor's Club. Once the IRS discovered it had caught the New York governor in its web, it forwarded the case to the US Attorney General's Office, where it was pursued by the FBI, apparently on the instructions of AG Michael Mukasey. The investigation moved from monitoring the bank to monitoring phones, and Spitzer was captured talking to the Emperor's Club dispatcher. Bingo. Promising Democratic political career ruined. ...

I can't help but think someone in the financial industry realized they could cause problems for Spitzer that got all this rolling. He did make a huge number of enemies in NYC financial circles by his bombastic witch hunts.

Somebody'd better tell that Rockwell fellow (you all remember "Somebody's Watching Me" from 1984) that they're gonna be on his case again.

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