
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 17, 2008 10:52 PM. The previous post in this blog was Surreal. The next post in this blog is These guys suck. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, March 17, 2008

Democrats for McCain

They're making him look stronger every day.

Comments (12)

Perhaps there is a question whether having enemies as friends can strengthen McCain's puny posture amid friends as enemies.

ABC repeatedly noted controversial comments by Obama's "allies," but has yet to report comments by McCain endorsers, Mar 14, 2008.

Summary: During recent editions of Good Morning America and World News, ABC discussed and aired reports on the "explosive statements" of Sen. Barack Obama's former pastor, Jeremiah Wright, but ABC has yet to report on controversial comments by two "allies" of Sen. John McCain. For example, evangelist John Hagee has said that "Hurricane Katrina was, in fact, the judgment of God against the city of New Orleans," and pastor Rod Parsley reportedly wrote that "America was founded, in part, with the intention of seeing this false religion [of Islam] destroyed."

The two cases are not remotely related. In McCains case they support him but they are not closely tied to him. Everyone has a right to voice their support for a canidate. The most you can do as a canidate is say thanks or no thanks.

With Obama this is his pastor for the past 20yrs, his campaign spiritual advisor, they guy who married him, baptized his children, one of his speeches inspired the name of Obama's book and according to Obama his mentor. Otherwise the two are closely tied and have been for years.

Big difference if you ask me. This is going to cause serious issues for Obama once the general election starts (if the Clinton machine doesnt pull off a win). It will probably be enough to tip the win to McCain if he doesn't start doing some serious damage control and start now.

The people who are stupid enough to believe that the views of Obama's pastor have any bearing on his own views, or indicate what kind of president he will be, wouldn't have voted for Obama anyway. This will have far less impact on the average voter than, say, McCain's age.

I'm gonna step out on a limb and predict that by the time the convention arrives, Obama will be over 211 delegates ahead making the issue moot. (He still prevails in the delegate total) If Florida refuses to step up (buck up) to preserve the franchise of its citizens, then the State has spoken and made the decision. Fortunately for it's citizens, Michigan just doesn't share Florida's view.

"The people who are stupid enough to believe that the views of Obama's pastor have any bearing on his own views...."

Replace "Obama's pastor" with "Jerry Falwell", "Bob Jones", or "Pat Robertson" and use it in reference to candidate George W. Bush. And then keep in mind that dubya was not a member of any of their congregations for more than two decades.

Paul Allen is a major racist; no wonder his sports teams take his money and laugh at him.

Paul Allen pays racist LIARS Larson to broadcast his fetid hate of Americans. At least McCain does not pay his anti-American unholy hater-buddies to spit on our lives ... I guess that works the other way around -- the racist haters pay McCain so he shakes their hand and signs the photo.

Racist Paul Allen signs racist LIARS paycheck to pump up the hate. The idiot LIARS copycats should be here in droves any second, fuming furious about 'what a subhuman Obama is' and what a swell guy Paul Allen, racist is, a free-speech employer.

Freely speaking hate of not-white-people, that is.

Freely speaking hate of a very white (kinda pasty) person. Not nice. We don't need censorship, just more discriminating listeners who tune such drivel out. Try it, he will suddenly and completely disappear from your life forever.

"ABC has yet to report on controversial comments by McCain allies John Hagee and pastor Rod Parsley."

"The two cases are not remotely related... The most you can do as a candidate is say thanks or no thanks."

John McCain appeared on a stage with John Hagee to receive the good pastor's endorsement.

Hagee, you'll recall, is the Armageddon-seeking lunatic (or snake-oil salesman?) who bought a 7,500 acre ranch in Texas where he's trying to breed the perfect red heifer, which has to be born before the Hagee's end-of-times dreams can come true.

McCain shared a stage with Hagee to accept that endorsement. Hagee's and Parsley's beliefs, and McCain's public connection to them, should be getting as much coverage as this Obama hit job. Actually, given the high wing-nuttery level of these two con men's alleged beliefs, they should be getting a lot MORE coverage than pastor wright.

Actually, given the high wing-nuttery level of these two con men's alleged beliefs, they should be getting a lot MORE coverage than pastor wright.

So your point is that Wright's overt, corrosive racism, and Obama's tacit approval thereof (oh, until today, that is) is somehow excused or neutralized by the nut-jobs' endorsement of McCain?


Call me when McCain attends their churches for 20 years and refers to either of them as his "mentor".

Replace "Obama's pastor" with "Jerry Falwell", "Bob Jones", or "Pat Robertson" and use it in reference to candidate George W. Bush.

As I recall, GWB never denounced the views of Jerry Falwell, Bob Jones, or Pat Robertson. Obama clearly has, and did so again in his brilliant speech today. That makes all the difference.

Miles, give some proof that Falwell, Jones or Robertson was ever GWB's pastor.

They may not have been GWB's pastor but GWB was their b*t*h.

GWB took money and support from Falwell, the guy who said 911 was pay back for the gay, liberal lifestyle. Its irrelevant that Falwell was never GWB's pastor. GWB accepted his support and money. GWB is a wh**e and Falwell is the john.

And they say politics makes strange bedfellows.

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