
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 18, 2007 4:51 PM. The previous post in this blog was In the klink. The next post in this blog is Show what you know. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

E-mail, Feeds, 'n' Stuff

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Mutual back-scratching

Here's a funny bit from a new e-mail message from my friend Greg Macpherson, who's running for state attorney general:

Rep. Macpherson was appointed last month to the Oregon Law Commission by House Speaker, Jeff Merkley.

"I'm honored by this appointment to serve with leading Oregon attorneys on the improvement of our state's laws," Rep. Macpherson said. "The Oregon Law Commission provides an important service by tackling difficult issues." The Commission's recent projects include governmental ethics reform, how paternity is determined, and uninsured motorist statutes.

Merkley's running for the U.S. Senate. He and Macpherson are both strongly endorsing each other in their respective races. Jeff appointing Greg to a commission is a little like Bush naming Cheney "Hunter of the Year."

Comments (8)

Thanks for keeping us up to date on this race. Looking forward to a new AG's Office and really takling enviro issues in Pdx and meth across the state.

Hrm. Given that a legislator had to be appointed - and Macpherson is the only working attorney in the Democratic caucus AND the judiciary chairman... seems like a reasonable choice to me.

And here goes, full disclosure: Both Merkley and Macpherson are clients of my company, but I speak only for myself.

Jeff appointing Greg to a commission is a little like Bush naming Cheney "Hunter of the Year."

Just remind Greg to duck.

And here goes, full disclosure: Both Merkley and Macpherson are clients of my company, but I speak only for myself.

I'm sure you'd jump right in and criticize them if that's what you really thought.

Hey, you have to Mr Chisholm a break, he needs to dig up some more viewers for his WEBsite, he's losing to you:


I am sure the Kulongoski diatribe was in order to get Teddy to issue an executive order mandating state employee viewrship of BlueOregon :)

Does this mean Oregonians get a break..they're both out of the legislature?

I'm sure you'd jump right in and criticize them if that's what you really thought.

Typically, any critique would be conveyed personally and directly. It'd also likely be focused on some logistical or technical matter, since I only work for people I believe in.

I think I've turned down a dozen prospective clients already this year, though not all of them are because I don't believe in their campaigns.

And yes, KISS, they're both leaving the legislature - win or lose.

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