
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 9, 2007 9:39 PM. The previous post in this blog was Request denied. The next post in this blog is This one's gonna be fun. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, July 9, 2007

New look for those Keizer shafts

The City of Keizer, Oregon is testing a re-design of those traffic barriers that people were complaining were too phallic. A city architect explains that the new layout, revealed earlier today, "uses landscape elements to soften the visual impact, while still providing the necessary margin of safety." I'm not sure the critics are going to be satisfied with the change, but at least the city is trying.

Comments (11)

good one!

They Are Green!

But if they're sustainable for more than four hours, call your doctor immediately.

FYI: The Keizer city manager got third-place tonight in Keith Olbermann's "Worst Person in the World" feature.

I knew someone watched Keith. Glad to hear it's a local

"Metal collars and chains" to make them LESS phallic?

Why not make them into fountains?

Sex, sex, sex... is that all these Keizer people think about? Sheesh, they just look like concrete bollards to me. And your little shrubs are a nice touch, Jack.

Yeah...sometimes a bollard is just a bollard.

Or, is that bollocks?

"The city is looking into retrofitting the posts with metal collars and chains that run between them, which they hope will change the look."
Yeah, they call that a Prince Albert...

they look "too" phallic?

so, there's some level of phallic the Keizerites are willing to accept?

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