The other shoe drops (so to speak)

The surly guy who was used as a human football by a Portland fire lieutenant on January 11 says he'll sue the city. His lawyers sent out a notice to the media this afternoon to that effect. They're having some sort of press shindig about it next Wednesday, but it doesn't seem as though it will be much of a story by then.
Comments (11)
I was about to say how I disagree with everything Mr. Tee ever writes, but then the comments disappeared. Or is it just me? Maybe I should call the PFD to dish out a P-Town-Beatdown to remedy my confusion.
Posted by jim | March 2, 2007 4:40 PM
His comments were on the original post, which is now closed to additional comments.
Posted by Jack Bog | March 2, 2007 4:43 PM
Local News Daily.
Posted by b!X | March 2, 2007 4:52 PM
I'm all with the concept of a citizen's right to not getting beat by the fire dept. etc., but in my book this guy should get $1 in damages out of this proposed lawsuit. Save the big $$$ for real victims like Brandon Mayfield and the Chasse family.
Posted by Usual Kevin | March 2, 2007 5:03 PM
What differentiates this guy from Chasse, pray tell? Do you know whether he has any psychological "issues"?
I'm puzzled by the harshness of your judgement about him.
Posted by rr | March 2, 2007 6:00 PM
What differentiates this guy from Chasse, pray tell?
Currently breathing.
Posted by Jack Bog | March 2, 2007 6:20 PM
Keep in mind these three statements found in the police report; (1) Terry George has an anger problem, according to Mr. O'Neal, the Hotel's night manager. (2)Embasy security officer Kistner said he has had problems with Mr George and that he has an anger problem. (3) Mr George told PPD he came down to the lobby looking for a fight. I know for a fact what Judge Judy would give him, Zip,Nada
Posted by Bad Brad | March 2, 2007 7:40 PM
"I'm puzzled by the harshness of your judgement about him."
Terry George is built like a Sequoia and was acting like a totally confrontational A-hole before the scuffle started. None of this would have happened if he had minded his own business while a fellow human being was in need of emergency medical attention. He was mad because a serious matter interfered with his precious sleep. If memory serves me correctly, he admitted that he wasn't injured the day after the incident, which is not a shock since it looks like he's big enough to be in the NFL or something.
The fireman who did the kicking deserves a serious black mark on his record in addition to a loss of pay. His stupidity shouldn't transform into a financial windfall for the jerk who started the whole thing.
Jim Chasee, on the otherhand, was a very slightly built gentleman run down from behind like a scared animal and boot stomped to death. The cop that did it then went to get a latte at Starbucks while Mr. Chasse laid on the ground in a non-responsive state with cuffs behind his back. He was then hauled off to jail with a punctured lung and was in such an obviously bad state that a nurse looking through a door window into the holding area refused to accept him into the facility. Rather than call 911 they loaded him into a squad car like a dead deer (not exagerating), and subsequently pulled off on a freeway exit where he died while a passer-by defibrilator salesman tried revive him.
My opinon is that Chasse was a victim. This Terry George guy is a turkey. If he gets just enough to catch the Amtrak out of town, Portland will be a much better place.
Posted by Usual Kevin | March 2, 2007 8:36 PM
It's City of Portland check writing time. They're just lucky he didn't get pepper sprayed, because those settlement checks go way up.
A scandal just isn't a scandal until the City of Portland gets sued.
Maybe the city's publicly owned streets could sue the city for willfull, wanton, and malicious neglect? That'll make them sit up and pay attention.
Posted by Mister Tee | March 3, 2007 3:51 AM
Interestingly, there was a second camera rolling, over by the door. I saw a snippet of the kicks from that angle on KPTV last night.
Posted by Jack Bog | March 3, 2007 7:43 AM
Keep in mind these three statements found in the police report; (1) Terry George has an anger problem, according to Mr. O'Neal, the Hotel's night manager. (2)Embasy security officer Kistner said he has had problems with Mr George and that he has an anger problem. (3) Mr George told PPD he came down to the lobby looking for a fight.
while i'm at work, if i encounter a firefighter with an anger problem looking for a fight, can i and several of my co-workers knock him down and kick the crap out of him?
both sides were stupid. unfortunately, one side works for the City of Portland and has insurance.
Posted by | March 3, 2007 11:28 AM