The favorite

Pundit (and friend) Steven Stark is calling Rudy Giuliani the odds-on favorite to win not only the Republican nomination for President, but also the general election.
Pundit (and friend) Steven Stark is calling Rudy Giuliani the odds-on favorite to win not only the Republican nomination for President, but also the general election.
Comments (30)
odd choice. i think he's a paper tiger. as soon as he gets in a general campaign, the massive cracks are going to show.
i mean, the NYFD hates his guts. you get a few firemen up there. REAL HEROS, not the "standing on rubble giving a press conference" types. you put an ad in and tell the american people how he ignored their pleas to search for remains. and he's toast.
you put the 1000 people up there that he's estranged from, the wives, the children. he's toast.
you ask him: why on your website do you list just SOME of your children, but not all?
how's that gonna look.
the wind and rain will hurt the paper tiger.
Posted by george | March 9, 2007 10:31 AM
Depends on who's running against him, I think. Hard to see McCain or Romney beating him.
Posted by Jack Bog | March 9, 2007 10:34 AM
What's next? Rudy's boy toy Bernie Kerik as U.S. Attorney General?
Not after this story...,2933,201878,00.html?sPage=fnc.national/crime
Yes, Bernie is such a sleazebag, even Fox News couldn't ignore it, like they have the Walter Reed scandal.
Posted by Daphne | March 9, 2007 10:47 AM
My wife lived in Brooklyn for 15 yrs before moving to Portland in August, 2001. She is an extremely well educated, moderate political voice. During a discussion of the pres. candidates after dinner at friend's house last weekend, she had nothing but bile to throw in the mayor's direction. I never heard her talk about a pol. like that before, even accounting for the wine, it was harsh.
The primaries should be interesting.
Posted by jimbo | March 9, 2007 10:53 AM
Well, Rudy is hap, hap, happy that Newt Gingrich is dropping out of the 2008 presidential race after the Boston Globe printed evidence Newt was having AN ADULTEROUS AFFAIR while hounding Bubba for the same back in late 90's.
I wish there was a death penalty for hypocrisy, then I could pull the plug on Newton myself!
Posted by Daphne | March 9, 2007 11:01 AM
Rudy scares the crap out of me. He looks to be GWB without the heart.
My guess is sometime between November and January someone like Jeb or George Allen is gonna jump in to save the party. None of the three leaders is particularly strong within the party establishment and none could beat either of those two should one choose to run.
Posted by Chris Snethen | March 9, 2007 11:09 AM
"Rudy scares the crap out of me"
But he made the taxis run on time.
Posted by Allan L. | March 9, 2007 11:59 AM
all i can say is:
personally, i'm going to vote for the first candidate who's original enough to stop wearing the freakin' American flag on his lapel at all times.
a recent article in Germany's Der Spiegel poked fun at this uniquely American practice, pointing out that it's probably needed in case one of them gets lost in an airport and needs to find the way back home.
Posted by | March 9, 2007 11:59 AM
President Giuliani? Not. A. Chance.
I can't believe people are taking this guy seriously. But hey, I actually hope he wins his party's nomination, because that would pretty much cinch it for the Democratic nominee to win the general.
Posted by Lev Koszegi | March 9, 2007 12:21 PM
But he made the taxis run on time
That he certainly did. However, his record also suggests he'd like to see how much further he extends GWB's unitary executive.
Posted by Chris Snethen | March 9, 2007 12:26 PM
that would pretty much cinch it for the Democratic nominee to win the general.
Not if it's Hillary.
Posted by Jack Bog | March 9, 2007 12:26 PM
Is America ready for a Krazed Katholic Who Can't Keep His **** in his Khakis? Through THREE horrendous marriages, two children, neither who will speak with him, and dozens of mistresses?
Posted by Daphne | March 9, 2007 12:53 PM
personally, i'm going to vote for the first candidate who's original enough to stop wearing the freakin' American flag on his lapel at all times.
At least your vote will mean something.
Posted by rr | March 9, 2007 1:30 PM
Ya tell that to former odds on favorite George Allen.
Posted by constantin | March 9, 2007 2:05 PM
Not if it's Hillary.
Posted by jimbo | March 9, 2007 2:31 PM
Not if it's Hillary.
Andrew Sullivan had a post a few weeks back where he said if there was one candidate capable of "putting the band back together" (by which he means reuniting the Dobsonites and the fiscal and corporate conservatives), it's Hillary. I'm not quite "any Democrat but Hillary", but I'm close.
tell that to former odds on favorite George Allen.
I still say he's the Republicans' white knight candidate come next fall.
Posted by Chris Snethen | March 9, 2007 4:15 PM
"white knight candidate "
Remember "Macaca"?
Posted by Allan L. | March 9, 2007 5:18 PM
Say what you like about Rudy. But keep in mind that it will be a truly cold day in hell before I even consider Obama or Hillary.
Posted by Dave A. | March 9, 2007 5:29 PM
If Mister Tee thinks he'd make a fine President, he's probably not electable. That said, I'd vote for Rudy before I'd vote for Sen. McCain.
Hillary? OH CANADA!
Posted by Mister Tee | March 9, 2007 6:05 PM
a Krazed Katholic Who Can't Keep His **** in his Khakis
We had one of those until the Texas people killed him.
Posted by Jack Bog | March 9, 2007 6:26 PM
I think anyone who has been to NYC before and after Rudy's rein, has to admit that he did turn that place around. He has some programs that don't get mentioned much like people who collect welfare and unemployment also report to do public works in the parks and litter patrol. I think we need this type of reform, but I cut my first campaign 2008 check to Bill Richardson of New Mexico, if you study his program of reforming the school capital funding process and his committment to maintaining the investments of that state by good managment practice, which is all I know about him, that kind of effort is what we need. It is the little things like getting folks back into the workforce and looking at problems long term with sustainable solutions that we need, not the "program de jour". There are plenty of things we could agree on in this country and many things like abortion that we could simply agree to disagree with and get on with making the world a better place.
Posted by John Capradoe | March 10, 2007 7:06 AM
I'm a registered Republican (and, as someone with rather libertarian politics, getting more disillusioned every day), and even I'd prefer Hillary! over this bald-headed little thug.
If Guliani were to be elected, he'd make GWB look like a benign, beloved uncle. And the Republicans in Congress would just go along with whatever he did, just like they're now doing with GWB. If Hillary! were elected, Congress would grow some balls (and the female equivalents thereof), and say, "Hey, you can't do THAT with the Patriot Act!"
At least that's what I'd hope. Wake me when it's over.
Posted by al | March 10, 2007 8:54 AM
I'm also a Republican and I'm very disappointed with the people we currently have expressing interest in this race. I really wish we'd throw these Neo-Con's out of the party and get back to our basics. I agree, Guliani would be worse than Bush.
Posted by Joey Link | March 10, 2007 1:51 PM
But he made the taxis run on time.
You have something against law & order? You approve of what NYC had become before Rudy came in and fixed the mess that the liberals had created?
Posted by Kraznaya Zvezda | March 10, 2007 4:31 PM
Hillary will rape the country as her husband did. I like Obama but it is just not his time. Giuliani can at least muster up when things get tough. New York is a better place because of him. I miss him terribly in NY. Is he a good presidential candidate? Compared to the competition, I'd have to say yes. At the very least he can teach the country right from wrong and that freedom does not mean you get everything for free.
Posted by g | March 10, 2007 7:59 PM
Bill raped the country? How so? Monica was consenting so don't go there.
Posted by MikeLovesYou | March 11, 2007 1:09 AM
i think its interesting how much credit giuliani gets for "cleaning up new york".
perhaps its because new yorkers rarely bother to think about other cities, but what happened in new york happened in just about every city in the US at the same time. violent crime dropped, cities were reinvested in, cleaned up, and so on.
Posted by george | March 11, 2007 8:34 AM
"Bill raped the country"
Singlehandedly, he nearly destroyed the federal debt.
Posted by Allan L. | March 11, 2007 8:14 PM
Rudy's biggest lie of all is here. After 9/11, Rudy told anyone who could stay awake that he thanked God W was president on 9/11.
But his wife, all three of them, both of his curret mistresses, his police chief, his fire chief, his priest and his manicurist all say he never said it.
A blood lie, like only a three-time loser in marriage can make!
Posted by daphne | March 12, 2007 12:19 PM
No Allan, Clinton destroyed the US military; Reagan's tax cuts caused the white hot economy that Clinton enjoyed.
Posted by HMLA267 | March 12, 2007 4:17 PM