This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 24, 2006 5:35 PM.
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Alexis Serna, the phenomenal Oregon State place kicker.
Comments (4)
They need to make a movie about this guy. Unbelievable story no matter who you root for. Misses 3 PAT's (probably an NCAA record) in a single game to lose his school's biggest ever upset winning the Lou Groza award as the Nation's best kicker. Unreal. You could skript it better for Hollywood.....well, except that movies about college football kickers probably aren't that interesting.....but you get my point!
Comments (4)
They need to make a movie about this guy. Unbelievable story no matter who you root for. Misses 3 PAT's (probably an NCAA record) in a single game to lose his school's biggest ever upset winning the Lou Groza award as the Nation's best kicker. Unreal. You could skript it better for Hollywood.....well, except that movies about college football kickers probably aren't that interesting.....but you get my point!
Posted by butch | November 24, 2006 8:36 PM
As for the obvious type-o's above.....yes I was at the game and am drunk as I type this. GO BEAVS!!!!
Posted by butch | November 24, 2006 8:38 PM
This game was a triumph over the weather. Anyone can play a classic in the bright sunshine - it takes Ducks and Beavers to play great in this.
Posted by Bill McDonald | November 24, 2006 10:00 PM
It was water polo, all right. But both teams should be used to it, which is what made it such a classic.
BTW, thanks to my family, who kindly worked around my sports mania this afternoon and evening.
Posted by Jack Bog | November 24, 2006 10:11 PM