Get out your wallets
The Portland Development Commission is meeting on Wednesday, and as ever, they're getting ready to give away your tax dollars to private interests. On the agenda this week are "enterprise zone" property tax exemptions for various businesses that say they're making new investments, and a bargain sale of the Vanport Square property to developers who say they're going to build "small business condos" on the site -- with tax credit money and a sweetheart loan from the PDC, natch. Read all about it here.
BTW, did you see the new PDC chief in the paper last week telling us all how everything's just peachy down in Tramland? Whew, that was a relief. A shout out to the O's editorial page people for another unbiased viewpoint.
Comments (10)
Great. Another million+ dollars in property tax abatements... Just add it to the others.
Posted by Larry | March 6, 2006 1:24 PM
I liked Warner's assurance (in his O piece, re. SoWa) that "the first residents will arrive in April." Seriously? To that truck-filled mudpile? Yow. I'm not saying the area will never look good, but I don't envy those first arrivals.
Posted by Dave J. | March 6, 2006 1:44 PM
Could I assume that they first made a proposal of a lending opportunity to a private lender or investment group and were denied?
What should I assume if they did not try? That it would not fly.
Nobody likes rejection. It causes dejection, and we can't have that on our doorstep.
Posted by Ron Ledbury | March 6, 2006 1:48 PM
Throw another barricade on the bonfire!
Posted by godfry | March 6, 2006 2:37 PM
Development incentives like UR and enterprise zones are supposed to be planning tools, that when used in moderation toward defined goals, can work, I guess. I just googled "critics of enterprise zones and UR" and learned that Oregon is one of the states that is supposed to be a leader is seeing these tools are not overused and used to benefit the poor. I am cynical, however; my cynicism comes from seeing that Oregon does indeed have pretty good legal controls. But the local "players" don't seem to feel constrained by them. Then we get reactions like M37 and lots of people are unhappy, but imho, the problem can't be solved without getting to the root of good ole boy action and what it does to screw up a place.
Posted by Cynthia | March 6, 2006 2:49 PM
I'd go for getting to the roots of the "family and friends" approach to public contracts. And it's more than just "good ol' boys". There's some good ol' girls, too. Connections is where it's at.
Posted by godfry | March 6, 2006 6:08 PM
I guess the question below is rhetorical.
Posted by Zac | March 6, 2006 6:23 PM
Happy trails are here, the developers are near
saith the planner at city hall.
WE as in WE the planners need to have something to control from our redoubt a top the city hall.
But we need money, a whole lot of stinking money, to do it right child.
Posted by jim | March 6, 2006 8:29 PM
The good ole boy network around here definitely includes girls. It's quite inclusive. I am hoping that the O eventually will catch on to that and stop assuming that as long as an endeavor isn't sexist or racist, it is OK if it is grossly negligent-or criminal.
Posted by Cynthia | March 7, 2006 11:07 AM
I liked Warner's commentary about North Macadam that said everthing is in order and on time. Like when he said the "first park" is coming this spring. That is false. The storage building site is being torn down, the land roughly leveled, and ground cover seed for erosion control will be spread over the site. Is that a Park? There are no funds to develop the Park after spending $7.2M for the inflated land cost. Park development is scheduled sometime 5 or more years out. Warner should look at his own PDC proposed 5 year budget for NM. Plus, he doesn't realize that this Park is the ONLY park for NM. Well, except for the strip park under Ross Isand bridge.
Posted by Lee | March 7, 2006 2:21 PM