June 26, 2005

Stuck in his thumb, pulled out two plums

All right -- I got fire and housing! Thank you, Grampy! And best of all, that's about it. Oh there's some other stuff, something about global warming, but hey, between the light load and the clean money, it's going to be, as Bing Crosby once said, a very good year.

Plus -- check this out -- "liaison to the International Council on Local Envrionmental Issues." Made my week. That oughta be good for a junket or two. Wang chung, everybody!

Did you see Tom Cruise on all the talk shows last week? You have to admire the man. You may love him, you may hate him, but you know him and you respect him. Right now he's into this crazy whirlwind marriage thing that most people are making fun of. They just don't understand. Believe me, I've been there. You need to have faith. The heck with what the people say they think -- history will vindicate you.

Speaking of which, I've been having a blast with the team that's working with us on the PGE deal. These guys are a kick. They work hard, they party hard. The other night, after we worked out our whole system of hand signals for the top secret negotiations with the bankruptcy trustee (I may grow a beard for them), we all headed over to Clarklewis for cocktails. Let's just say that by 9, we needed some fresh air, and so we walked down to the Esplanade. We had just stepped over a couple of homeless campers when one of the Goldman Sachs guys stripped down to a thong and jumped into the Willamette right next to one of the sewer pipes. He kept yelling, "Where are the f*ckin' stoigeon?" until Dan Meek talked him back to shore.

Later on, when things settled down, one of the older lawyers from Greenberg was watching the last of the sunset down on the floating dock. We left him alone with his thoughts, but as we left, I turned to look back and saw him pensively skim a krugerrand in the direction of the fire station.

Posted by Erik at 02:16 AM | Comments (0)