Crowded house
If you want to run for Portland city commissioner, time is running out. The deadline for declaring one's candidacy with the city elections people is next Tuesday, March 7.
If you go for it, you'll have lots of company. Here's the official list for Position No. 2 (the Sten seat), with the "clean money" qualifiers marked with asterisks, and the candidates who I know have withdrawn removed from the list:
Ginny Burdick
Principal Campaign Committee Formed: Friends of Ginny Burdick
Lewis E. Humble
Dave Lister
Principal Campaign Committee Formed: Dave for PDX
Jory "Moof" Knott
Principal Campaign Committee Formed: Knott for Portland
Jay Boss Rubin
Principal Campaign Committee Formed: Jay Boss Rubin for City Commissioner Campaign Committee
* Erik Sten (Incumbent)
Principal Campaign Committee Formed: Friends of Sten
That looks to me like Sten against six challengers, including three serious ones, Boyles, Burdick and Lister. At last report, "anybody but Sten" was ahead in the polls, but which anybody would it be?
For the Saltzman seat (Position No. 3), there's quite a crew in contention:
Michael S. Casper
Principal Campaign Committee Formed: Elect Casper '06
* Amanda Fritz
Principal Campaign Committee Formed: Amanda For Portland
Chris Iverson
Principal Campaign Committee Formed: The Community to Elect Chris Iverson
Sharon Nasset
Principal Campaign Committee Formed: Committee to Elect Sharon Nasset
Dan Saltzman (Incumbent)
Principal Campaign Committee Formed: Friends of Dan Saltzman
Tres Shannon
Principal Campaign Committee Formed: Tres Shannon for City Council
Don Smith
Principal Campaign Committee Formed: Friends of Don Smith
Lucinda L. Tate
Principal Campaign Committee Formed: Friends of Lucinda Tate for City Council
Despite all the names, these races don't look too difficult, folks. Once all the candidates are officially in next week, we'll be posting endorsements. (Sneak preview: "Watchman" probably won't be on there.)
Comments (11)
Posted by Jenni Simonis | March 3, 2006 12:23 AM
Thanks. That's not listed on the city site.
Posted by Jack Bog | March 3, 2006 5:09 AM
The City Auditor slot still lacks a candidate that is a Certified Public Accountant.
Posted by Ron Ledbury | March 3, 2006 8:13 AM
Great, this is very encouraging, besides Mr Lister (not an exdorsement by me), everyone here seems to have his own special cause/friends they are championing and little real world experience in anything that would require financial planning or budgeting.
Posted by Steve | March 3, 2006 9:04 AM
Wasn't Robert "Ted" Hinds running? Or did his participation in this blog convince him otherwise?
Seriously. I thought he was running for Sten's seat.
Posted by Don Smith | March 3, 2006 9:52 AM
I read a statement somewhere, purportedly by Mr. Hinds, that said he was dropping out to pursue his Very Important Business Involving a Lot of Money.
Posted by Jack Bog | March 3, 2006 11:12 AM
Even with lousy poll numbers, Sten and Saltzman must be laughing at the general quality of challengers they've drawn. Even some of the viable candidates are already in the pockets of a special interest group (Fritz = unions; Boyles = Slavs).
Voter owned elections is going to make not one bit of difference.
Posted by Alice | March 3, 2006 5:25 PM
Mr. Lister appears to be on the up and up. I get the impression he is the real deal sort of speak.
He'll bring genuine change and informed leadership.
Posted by Carolyn | March 3, 2006 6:15 PM
Sharon; On today's question,
Finally some press. All politics is local, all press is good just spell the name right?
4 years ago when I ran I got some press and was consider a very viable candidate. Third bridge to Vancouver connection our regional industrial area, transportation and congestion, better paying jobs by upgrading skills, high density issues, and livability. Some people said what is she talking about. Can you hear me NOW?
Now the phone is not ringing from the local papers and groups such as the �Portland City Club� Won�t invite candidate such as others and I to their public forums�. Because we don�t have our 1000 signatures, even though their �events� are taking place before the signature dead line�. Then of course is the Oregonian ask question like what�s in pocket right now? And do you use your right or left hand when you wipe your bottom?
I don�t know Emilie yet and this was meaner to her than I.
Thanks Pablo Worldwide I have work hard on a lot of issue effectively.
Ricynagg are we similar politically? Ask some question we aren�t going to get any straight talk from the local fish wrap.
Toocruel � a Basset hound is a blending to create a noble breed, following the lead of a great dog can more than save your life.
Jack have we met? It will end your confusion��.
Alice thanks for your depth, challenger have a big disadvantage in our current environment which keeps a lot of really wonderful people from leading us to a much better place.
Harry I love a thinker� I�m looking forward to your questions.
Allan Dick is not every where it just feels that way.
Bill you got it right, lets hope your computer doesn�t crash on the way down.
Steve, sound advice, no wonder you got a lot of vote when you ran for offices.
Alice it�s hard to believe I was born blond.
Jack if all this is a beauty contest�. Are you saying you have a thing for Dan?
I need signatures now and you need a good race. With me in the race the circus will be in town�.. boys and girls
With Sharon Nasset the conversation changes at the table. Let�s hear some questions���. I�ve got some real answers.
Thanks for the phone calls and emails letting me know�.. very thoughtful
Jack you owe me a couple hundred signatures�get to work.
Posted by Sharon Nasset | March 3, 2006 9:37 PM
Hi, Sharon. Thanks for joining the conversation. I thought your campaign picture and Emilie's looked similar. No malice was intended. And hey, in politics, even a knock is a boost if they spell the name right.
Your getting a great rec from Worldwide Pablo (which you did before I had to pull the plug on comments to the photo post) means a lot to me. I thought the race was going to be an easy one for me -- Amanda over West Hills Danny any day -- but your presence is going to slow me down. I think Don Smith deserves a more careful look, too.
What do you think of Danny Boy's sudden devotion to the memory of Rosa Parks? Is that greasier than a Burlingame mudslide, or what?
Posted by Jack Bog | March 3, 2006 9:55 PM
I've met Sharon and she is a thoughtful and impressive problem solver. Sharon: learn the lesson I am trying to teach myself: slow down enough to edit before posting.
Posted by Cynthia | March 4, 2006 10:49 AM