
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 31, 2004 2:49 AM. The previous post in this blog was Scam spotlight. The next post in this blog is Why blogs were invented. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Darren for President

A while back, Cousin Jim over at Parkway Rest Stop pointed out that there's a third-party candidate for President based right here in the Portland area. Shortly thereafter, along comes a message in my e-mail inbox from none other than the candidate himself.

His name is Darren Karr. Go ahead and hum "Hail to the Chief" as you check out his campaign web site here.

Comments (5)

2 observations:

1. Karr's a libertarian crackpot. What's scary is that he is not alone. His politics are typical of libertarian crackpots who believe the phrase "all men are created equal," as applied, means that he is as smart and capable as any other person, and what distinguishes him and sets him apart is his righteousness.

2. Jack never sleeps! Look at the timestamp on that post!

Libertarian crackpots are not all created equal. :) Not much sense in pretending he is running for President (same goes for all the independents or third partiers this year, including the once-noble Mr. Nader) but much of the ideas in his platform looked good to me.

What crackpots do you prefer?

I'd even go so far as to suggest that not all libertarians are crackpots (though many, notably the Randians, are).

I was mesmerized by James Bovard on a C-SPAN Booknotes program late last year.


I just immediately gravitated to the "judicial reform" part of his platform, which includes barring lawyers from lawsuits and requiring litigants to represent themselves pro se. I am a lawyer, and I understand the judicial system is an imperfect tool. At the same time, I understand that his concept -- returning legal disputes to some mythical common-law "state of nature" -- would do nothing to cure the power imbalance he perceives.

Well, that explains that!

Check out the Bovard transcript, though. He's even better to listen to, but there's a scary lot o' sense in them thar hills.

ahhhh...what a surprise. A lawyer who doesn't like the idea of removing the lawyer from the equation. Heaven forbid Americans being able to pursue justice without paying thousands of dollars to a money hungry lawyer.

I'm neither a libertarian nor a crackpot. I believe in the Constitution and the theory that the people should retain the power of government, not the lawyers, special interest groups, and politicians. If you don't agree, then stick with the Republicans and Democrats.

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