
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 16, 2004 9:12 PM. The previous post in this blog was Google Search of the Day. The next post in this blog is With a wee dram of Bushmill's. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

E-mail, Feeds, 'n' Stuff

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Death penalty

I've banned two parties from this site after they exceeded the bounds of civility in the comments section of this blog. You can disagree with me or with others who post here as vehemently as you like. Differing points of view are welcome. But when you start likening me to a rabid animal, or calling another poster an a*shole and wishing their legs were blown off, well, you've overstepped my limits, and you are out of here.

Comments (12)

Yikes. What'd I miss.

Nothing worth reading.

As I say to my kids and their friends:

"My house, my rules."

Makes perfect sense to me...

Purely hypothetically, imagine how civilised blog discourse, and internet discourse generally, would be if our posted e-mail address were our home telephone number.

InstaPundit doesn't have comments; its author notes that he also doesn't have a wall in his house on which he invites guests to leave graffiti. I like the give and take, but you have to be prepared to blow the whistle.

That is amongst one of the many reasons I go to your site often.....

Wow I usually leave them to speak for themselves but this is your web space to do whatever you like. Sorta wish I caught the controversy.

As A.J. Liebling once said: "Freedom of the press belongs to those who own one."

Good call [but sorry we missed it].

Darn. I wanted to ask that guy how an IUD was going to blow off someones legs. I can understand how an IED can do it, but as far as I was aware, an IUD didn't have that kind of explosive power, at least not in the literal sense.

Joke idea: I once almost lost a body part to an IUD. Must... resist...

In defense of Brett I will say that he has a Lab puppy so that was probably recently on his mind (distemper). Not to say he and his comment wasnt shmucklike. Just that he was heated about something he obviously cared about (portland being Good) and probably added in something that he was in current experience with. Very cute puppy if I may also say-

Reply is Regarding below comment:
Have you lived anywhere else? Do you really think Portland is dangerous downtown during the day? Do you expect the mayor to be patrolling underage dance clubs on Friday nights? Have you gotten a distemper shot lately?
Posted by brett at March 16, 2004 05:02 PM

Good for you, Jack. Every joint needs a bouncer. :-)


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