
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 7, 2003 11:36 PM. The previous post in this blog was Go ahead, ruin your life. The next post in this blog is Earl of the Pearl. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, July 7, 2003

He's got a jones, all right, but not a basketball jones

Portland Trail Blazers basketball star Damon Stoudamire has been busted on pot charges yet again. This time he was allegedly trying to get nearly an ounce and a half of wacky weed through a Tucson Airport security checkpoint by wrapping it in aluminum foil and holding it in his pocket.




Now he'll have to serve time on his last marijuana bust, which he talked down to probation. Plus whatever you get these days for smuggling a sizeable amount of contraband through airport security. Not to mention the major time he'll do if prosecutors can convince an appeals court that the search that turned up a pound of dope at Stoudamire's house last year was actually legal.

The team is huffing and puffing. Just to show they're serious about changing their image, the Blazers have imposed a $250,000 fine and a suspension.

Wrong, gentlemen. You want to show me how serious you are? Fire this loser. Cut him. Pay him if you have to, but banish him permanently from the team. Forget about trading him -- no one is interested -- but get him out of our sight for good.

The Blazers are looking for a corporate sponsor to name their arena after. How about Corrections Corporation of America?

In other NBA scum news with a Portland twist, the celebration at Nike for its new endorsement deal with Kobe Bryant ended somewhat abruptly this weekend, as it was revealed he may soon be facing sexual assault charges.

I am so glad I'm off the season-ticket merry-go-round with the NBA. They are a sad, sad bunch.

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