
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 8, 2012 6:02 PM. The previous post in this blog was Have a great weekend. The next post in this blog is Steve Houze goes after alleged rape victim's Google searches. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

E-mail, Feeds, 'n' Stuff

Friday, June 8, 2012

Where's Ashley?

This morning, Stuart Tomlinson of the O reported that hit-and-run manslaughter suspect Ashley Chavez had been returned to Portland from Bellingham to face charges. But that story has mysteriously disappeared from the O website, and the Multnomah County sheriff's office does not show her as being booked as of late this afternoon. Does anybody know what happened?

Comments (14)

Are we next to learn the police transport detail was ambushed at an I-5 rest area where she escaped via helicopter and the movie of the event will be produced in Portland with help from City Hall?

The paddy wagon may have gotten held up by the Rose Fleet.

Abe, maybe she's got some more people roped into this conspiracy to rescue her!

the link works for me.

You must have it in a browser cache. It's dead.

Bellingham & the State of Washington won't let her be extradited until she pays her temporary resident's compost fee. It's a stalemate!

It is deleted from their desktop version, but the mobile version still has the article.

King County

Jail Inmate Lookup Service(JILS)

Browse Jail Register Search Jail Booking System Other Jail Search Resources

CHAVEZ, ASHLEY SIMONE Custody/Facility: Regional Justice Center Total Bail Amount: Bail Denied

Will, you are a spoiler. I had told my mortgage holder that I had expected income coming from my job in the movie production.

It's a cultural issue, Jack.

The online weekend editor is in China: extraditions happen much faster there.

Wow, is there any mystery my readers can't solve?

While looking for a new shot of Ashley, I found a mugshot of somebody I'd gladly see arrested again.


They released Ms Chavez from King County's Jail today. I imagine to the custody of the Portland Police.

Release Date: 06/11/2012 08:57

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