
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 30, 2012 11:41 AM. The previous post in this blog was Where is Portland City Council on coal exports?. The next post in this blog is What the radioactive Fuku tuna really mean to us. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Portlandia reality more extreme than the joke, cont'd

Here's a great way to live -- in a shipping container.

Comments (15)

I figured that after ReadyMade magazine (itself a great source magazine for Portlandia skits before it went under last year) went nuts over shipping container houses, it would only continue. This is the hipster equivalent of making spaceships and houses out of big cardboard boxes, isn't it?

Let's not laugh too soon. We live in a city commandeered by lunatics.

Lime Green is also green.

But, you can already buy small affordable houses in Portland at the Home Depot & Lowes. They are sold from the parking lot as garden sheds.


Some of those containers have had some nasty stuff in them. Anyone wanting to go this route should have a complete haz mat check done on their box. They look cute all painted up in bright colors, but who knows where they have been.

Now, that's what you call sustainable. Next up: those PODS containers at the curb.

And your family won't have to buy a casket when you die - just a somewhat larger hole.

Jim, how un-Portland of you. Don't you know that any mundane can buy a garden shed, but converting a shipping container is cool?

Nolo: no kidding, which is why I've stayed away from them. My biggest concern is with shipping containers that may have contained dangerously radioactive scrap, and that haven't been screened since then. I'd prefer to keep my roentgen counts right where they are.

I wouldn't mind living in one of those sheds from the Home Depot. I've somehow made a strange habit out of living in wacky spaces.

A shipping container has a flat roof though. So how is that going to work in Portland with all the rain? I guess if they make it across the sea they can keep rain out just fine.

I can just see someone buying up an old container ship, loading it up with hundreds of containers, docking it at Terminal 2, and turning it into a massive housing complex.

Of course, with wind turbines on top of the smoke stacks, solar panels on top of all of the containers, and a huge bike park so that residents can ride down Front Avenue into downtown (since TriMet's 16 bus isn't exactly frequent, or available at all hours...)

Dignity Village on the go. Put them on rails and they roll around PDX on the streetcar rails.

Hey Erik. I like your idea. But basically someone beat you to it.

Have you been in those apartments along the water front north of the train tracks? Across from the train station?

Watch out for more "code language improvement" projects for the city to allow these containers to be infilled and peppered all over our city. Parallel path to educate youth to readily accept these and look with disdain upon those who have too large a house or yard for themselves. Of course, McMansions and estates are OK for some, right?
I can see the city making some more needed money by renting spaces for these containers. It is possible that those who benefit from the "subsidized affordable housing" agenda wouldn't like the competition.

Ask Charlie Hales and Jefferson Smith what they would do?
As I recall it was Charlie who implemented many code and zoning changes, in my view detrimental to our livability. I don't expect much better from Jefferson.

Make fun all you want but I've seen some amazing container homes. Incredibly strong, earthquake proof (if anchored correctly), configurable in dozens of ways and inexpensive. I think its actually a great idea. I don't really see a downside to them.

Some of those containers have had some nasty stuff in them. Anyone wanting to go this route should have a complete haz mat check done on their box.

This may be the downside to them. I certainly would want to have them thoroughly checked. There may be a place for them for those who want them. I would not want them peppered all over the place with this city infill policy as the city does not respect the character of existing neighborhoods. I will add some neighborhoods are kept free of the infill plans, for now that is.

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