
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 25, 2012 9:47 AM. The previous post in this blog was The zombie hotel project rises again. The next post in this blog is Super Carole is dismantling KBPS. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Nolan calls 911

In the battle between Amanda Fritz and Mary Nolan for Portland City Council, Nolan's doing what she can to call attention to last year's fiasco involving the computers in the city's police cars. Fritz deserves a good hard ding for that one -- not so much because she created the problem, which was instigated by others, but because she so vehemently denied the obvious shortcomings of the new system. Of course, the Nolan camp, seeking as it invariably does the jugular vein, tries to make the incident come off as some sort of vague tampering with evidence. Which it wasn't. Thumbs down on both of these candidates.

Comments (6)

Well, to be fair Amanda inherited the 9-1-1 dispatch system from Randy Leonard. The decision to go with the one they chose had already been made. And it was Leonard who blamed all the complaints on the Police Bureau's "culture of complaint".

Looks like we should consider Jack's alternative choice here.

Amanda has been a disappointment on her lack of real leadership
on our Bull Run Water System.
She was asked to request a Waiver and hasn't.
New York has received an extension until 2028 with strong efforts
from their Senator Schumer and their city council efforts.

Nolan's campaign is one of the more aggressive and obnoxious that I've seen in quite some time.

Another reason to consider Jack's choice here.

My favorite part of the WW article is under the city council candidates name where it says, “Non Partisan”.
I understand, but that is funny.
If any of those candidates were just a tad bit further to the right they would be able to run unopposed in Cuba.

And one more thing...I am really glad Sam is not running with them asking; What is the worst thing you have done for money?
I don’t think anyone wants to hear the answer to that question. Awkward.

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