
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 13, 2012 5:50 PM. The previous post in this blog was Linchpin among the lychee. The next post in this blog is Caldwell story goes international. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The real Lake Oswego scandal

It's not the failed streetcar scam.

It's not the lake access controversy.

It's not racism at the high school.

It's this: We just bought groceries at the Lake O. Safeway, and the checkout clerk put them in a plastic bag and handed it to us!

Comments (25)


The taint...

Put it in your compost bucket. It has to be biodegradable.


Plastic, really? How kool, take a photo, you can use it in history class later. You know, to show what choice allowed you to do?

If you want to feel really dirty, you can still get styrofoam fountain drinks in Tigard.

Beyond our borders, 1.2 billion residents of the PRC are still drinking beverages from non-recyclable containers...But at least 0.000562 billion Portlanders are seeking the one true path to Ecotopia.

We have nice things in the suburbs, such as a choice between paper and plastic bags. After living in Portland, you learn to enjoy the smaller pleasures.

Some of us also enjoy WEEKLY GARBAGE PICKUP and limited recycling.

(Dave A. and Mike--it isn't nice to rub it in.)

Jack--save that bag! It's a precious and useful commodity!

The real secret was that Lake Oswego is more affordable than Portland: at the peak, for the price of a 1300 SF condominium in northwest Portand with no yard and no parking, you could get a 3000 SF house in Lake Oswego with a large fenced yard and a triple garage. Not to mention that the streets get repaved, the police come promptly when called, and the property taxes are lower.

And we have diversity in packaging!

You could always suffocate someone with it. That doesn't work so well with paper bags.

Thriftway in Mountain Park; Tigard Freddies, Tigard Winnco, lots of stores out of the PDX City and out of Multnomah County (in Clackistan and Washiongton) still have the plastic bags and are easier to access from residential SW. Freedom from the compelled PDX political correctness.

Funny, being congenitally cheap, and having received them all for free from various PDX giveaways, I do use the canvas recyclable bags.

By choice, not by fiat, and because the stores give me a cash credit for using the reuseables.

Money is a great incentivizer.

The commisars in PDX City Hall are just to blind to see it.

Dont forget Albertsons in Downtown LO all plastic bags...

We clackastani's are fighting for your freedom...:)

Thank you.
Portlanders need help.
Freedom needs to rain on our city.

You can also buy them in bulk at Costco in Wilsonville. Look for t-shirt bags. Pass them out to all your friends!

In a city of incessant rain we use paper bags.

Ha ha, you guys are too funny!
Clinamen, it needs to reign, not rain! ;-)

Nonny, the Mtn. Park Thriftway has been gone for years and it is now a New Seasons Market with no plastic bags. No problem, as I use the canvas bags too, have for 30 years since I started at the old Nature's on Corbett. BY CHOICE, as you point out.

Yes, we Clackastanis have it pretty nice -- weekly garbage and recycling, plastic if desired, no streetcars to share the road with.

Jack, didn't they even offer you a choice?
You know our mayor tried to get the city council to pass a resolution banning plastic bags once. He wanted to join his friend Sam Adams on that bandwagon....

Met a guy from England last weekend. He said his adult daughter is a bloody Eco-Nazi. Big laughs all around. I mentioned something about wanting to be persuaded that acting in a particular way is best, not told it is what I have to do. English man said, "Yes, that's the American way of thinking, isn't it? I hear that a lot.". We had a jolly good time talking, but the concept of American independence was something I am still thinking about.

Viva la choice!

Isaac, I'm very interested to know what neighborhood you live in, because one of the many things that people in LO have been complaining about is the lack of attention being paid to the many streets and roads that need repaving/repair. Like many other basic "needs" that have been put on the back burner so the four nitwits now running the City can spend oodles of $$ on non-priority, unneeded, political backscratching bulls**t.

RBL, the streets around me are about 25-30 years old, within the city limits, and were resurfaced a couple of years ago -- I think they've actually been resurfaced (not full repaving) twice since I moved to Lake Oswego. In fairness to Portland, these are streets that developers built to city standards before the city took them over. The oldest residential streets in LO (First Addition and some others) don't get much attention, but then, the City hasn't totally backed off of maintenance either.

2012 Mar 13 Tue 23:45 U (11:45 PM PT)

Jack Bogdanski, when, where and from whom did you get travel
documents to use Terwilliger Blvd from Lewis and Clark Law School
to Lake Oswego? In a car no less!
And further a passport to shop at Safeway?
You reside in NE Portland!

I presume you used a car (10 min) in an unsustainable manner!
Rather than consider sustainable travel modes such as taking
TriMet (90 min and two transfers), riding a bike (30 min downhill)
or walking (60 min).

Your travel by car is an offence against Ecotopians in Portlandia!
Consider real current offences against financial survivability for
Lake Oswegans as noted by this Clackistani.

If you are not aware there was no Lake Oswego City Council
meeting this evening of 2012 March 13 Tuesday. Three members
of the 2011-2012 LO City Council are attending the National League
of Cities meeting in Washington DC. They include:
1. Mayor Jack Hoffman, not running for re-election in 2012.
2. Councilor Bill Tierney, has yet to commit for re-election in 2012.
3. Councilor Sally Moncrieff, not running for re-election in 2012.

You can also assume none of the three used TriMet from LO to PDX.
Further I doubt they used public transit ie Washington Flyer from
Dulles International (IAD) to Metro Orange Line West Falls Church
Station. Then transfer to Metro Orange Line for travel to nearest
destination hotel in Washington DC.

I asked about similar ground travel arrangements when the same three
attended the Streetcar Summit in Washington DC in 2010 February
during public testimony circa 2010 May. I have yet to receive an
answer. My second request at this same meeting was to have the
2010 Streetcar Summit documents posted to the City of Lake Oswego
website. It too was not full filled.

Wonder why?
No more sustainability crimes against Ecotopians in Portlandia!

Charles Ormsby (Skip)
LOOSSWUR – Lake Oswego Oregon Streetcar Scam With Urban Renewal

Money is indeed a great incentivizer--Sam uses it all the time. Do what he wants, or pay a fee/fine/higher rate.

Isaac: For context, I'd need to know when you moved to LO (e.g. 40 years ago or 10 years ago). I live on Wembley Park Road. The same ruts and pot holes that were here when I moved to the neighborhood in 1996 still exist, although a year+ ago the City sent around a patching crew to fill in some of the larger (and longer) ones.

Funny thing was that a week+ before, I had been standing at the entrance to Springbrook Park when Mayor Jack came riding up on his bike. He stopped, I guess thinking he'd chat up one of his subjects, but I completely ignored him (can't stand him), so he rode on down the road. I watched, hoping he'd flip his bike over in one of the ruts/potholes and break his corrupt, arrogant neck.

I've always wondered if he initiated the sudden "patch" job after his perilous bike ride.

Oh, another note, at one of last year's LO Council Meetings, the City Manager was explaining to the Council how the street/road maintenance priority list is currently put together, and he stated outright, something like, "The Council just needs to understand that some streets will never get repaired. We will never get to them." This was stated as though it was reasonable and acceptable, not as something negative that needed to be addressed or changed. Appalling.

For a City as affluent as LO, this is not acceptable to me.

Realitybasedliberal writes:

"I watched, hoping he'd flip his bike over in one of the ruts/potholes and break his corrupt, arrogant neck."

That's classy. Real classy.

Is that you, Mona? If you're so proud of what you're writing, how about putting your name to it?

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