
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 1, 2011 7:42 AM. The previous post in this blog was Police union wants to bust Occupy Portland. The next post in this blog is Day of reckoning nears for Portland water, sewer mission creep. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Seattle plans noisy welcome for scoundrel banker Jamie Dimon

It's hard to believe that Portland will let him in and out of town on Thursday without a suitable reception. Certainly, it shouldn't -- the man is truly the epitome of what the Occupiers are complaining about.

Comments (8)

But when you and your buddies are doing God's Work you've got to expect lesser beings to not understand. Ahh the trials and tribulations of the elite!

"What do we want?"

"We don't know!"

"When do we want it?"


Re: "Throughout the crisis caused by Dimon and his cronies, he's remained a confidante of Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, a relationship which, amazingly, neither party seems to find remotely improper."

The Seattle St piece might have included mention that Mr Dimon has been on the Board of Directors of the Fed throughout the continuing Great Recession (CGR):

Mr Geithner, of course, was the president of the NY Fed during the early months of the CGR:

Working together, these two have been most instrumental in preserving some Wall St financial institutions, including apparent zombie banks, at the expense of regional institutions, such as WaMu, and the rest of country, often referred to as Main St.

Mr Dimon's JPM Chase has become this nation's largest bank -- thanks in large part to its FDIC-assisted consumption of a solvent WaMu and the unabated decline of Bank of America (BAC). Mr Dimon's JPM Chase also has on its books the largest accumulation of derivatives, valued at $79 trillion. It is unlikely that Treasury Secretary Mr Geithner would not buttress Mr Dimon's JPM Chase with additional taxpayer subsidies when necessary.

Once again,

In January, 2010, Mr Dimon, along with three other leaders of big Wall St banks, was summoned to testify before the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, chaired by Phil Angelides, who received ample financial support from JPM during his political career in CA. Mr Dimon did not say much of interest, even about his acquisition of $307B of WaMu's assets for $1.88B; but he did provide a matter-of-fact suggestion of what he and his colleagues have done to this country's financial system:

"Reflecting on the volatility that has rocked the markets, [Dimon] recalled, 'My daughter called me from school one day and said, "Dad, what’s a financial crisis?" And, without trying to be funny, I said, "This type of thing happens every five to seven years." And she said, "Why is everyone so surprised?"'"

"JP Morgan Chase did not respond to requests for comment.

As for the Foster School of Business, officials say they did not anticipate the public’s outrage. The controversial banker was invited to participate in the fundraising event, about 18 months ago. Long before the birth of the Occupy movement.

However, Dimon has been the target of several Occupy Wall Street protests in recent weeks, including rallies outside his home.

Activists will march from Westlake Park to the Sheraton Hotel Wednesday, Nov. 2 at 6pm."

The French had a little party for guys just like JD
around the time of our revolution. They had a fun party game involving a big toy called a Guillotine.

Perhaps there are some OR and WA residents who have suffered foreclosure by Jamie Dimon's bank? There have been efforts around the country to resist such foreclosures. One such:

"A California-based foreclosure defense attorney is going after the banks in unusual fashion, filing a Florida RICO lawsuit against J.P. Morgan Chase in Palm Beach County with a Boca Raton resident as lead plaintiff."

"Barnes claims in the suit that Chase committed 'nationalized fraud' by using false and fraudulent documents to foreclose on homes and in claiming it has the right to foreclose on loans made by the now defunct Washington Mutual Bank. Chase took over Washington Mutual in 2008."

Perhaps some who have been abused by JPM Chase will find time to publicly express their opinion of Jamie Dimon?

Billb mentioned the French party favor for the aristocracy during their revolution. I found it ironic that in JD's mansion that he had difficulty selling, there is a very telling self-portrait? If you scroll through the photos depicting how the 1% live to the 12th photo, you will find the apropo portrait of living without a conscience!


Someone should photo-shop that onto a sign when they demand justice in Seattle.

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