
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 2, 2010 6:49 AM. The previous post in this blog was Moss on your roof, in Portland?. The next post in this blog is Election porn getting steamier. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, April 2, 2010

Both species played hard

I see that the National Basketball Association has gotten on the "green" bandwagon and is having its players wear a special logo on their jerseys this week. It's kind of like a recycling symbol, but it's round, and the familiar silhouette of Jerry West is in the middle.

Makes sense to me. Nothing says conservation like an $8 beer. Moreover, those pro hoops players are all about sustainability. Zach Randolph recently placed an "I Only Use Tap Water" sticker on his bong. And in honor of "Green Week," the players association has adopted a resolution that all neck tattoos should be in soy-based inks.

Comments (7)

Gee, I wonder if all those overpaid teenagers will trade in their Escalades, Range Rovers, & Hummers for more "green" transportation?

Allen Iverson is switching to organic weed.

You're wrong Jack - Z-Bo only uses Champagne in his bong. Like AI, though, he's switching to organic weed.

Zach's aveerginging 20 and 12- Far above deserving hate from a loudmouthed p***k.

Puleeze leave us alone.

That's why (some) sports fans like sports .. it is an escape from everything goody two shoes. No political p/c and group think thought control. Sports is competition, victory, defeat, winner, loser. Some live, some die. That's it. Ta dah.

Are they reusable logos? Or biodegradable patches that can be composted after they show their Green Spirit? It actually looks to me like it symbolizes how a team is on top for awhile, then slumps, then rebuilds. Whatever the case, it's silly.

The All-Green Team would have:

Channing Frye at center
Steve Nash at point guard

...and, well, uh, uh, uh...forget it.

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