
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 29, 2010 11:53 AM. The previous post in this blog was Taser a pregnant woman three times over a speeding ticket? No problem.. The next post in this blog is Gotta get-get boom boom boom. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, March 29, 2010

Bus kids endorse Bradbury

After several "rockin' parties," they also overwhelmingly voted for unicorns that poop rainbows.

Comments (9)

hoo boy...better start cleaning out the house and get packing-our pockets will really be picked if this guy gets elected.

If people think the economy is bad now in Oregon, it will get much worse if Johnny or Billy get elected Guv....

The Bus Project is spot on. It would be nice to see a real Democrat running for governor under the Democratic Party banner, instead of the impostors we've had the past 16 years.

"Bradbury? You mean the guy who wrote The Martian Chronicles? Yeah, I'll vote for him...man, I am sooooooo hiiiiiiiigh..."

Well, if the only alternative is Kitzhaber, who did nothing for eight years, might as well let Bradbury do nothing for four. Personally I wish DeFazio would run.

DeFazio would be a breath of fresh air.

Hey folks - just keep on electing more Democrat political hacks that haven't held a real job in years. If you think it's bad now under the current fiscal illiterate in Salem, just elect another one of these jerks.

Well Dave, I guess we could elect a guy who has no experience in government and whose claim to fame is being tall enough to keep a job in the NBA for 15 years.

Would you pay a guy whose experience in auto mechanics consists of once changing the oil in his car to repair yours? Would you trust your surgery to a guy who read some web pages about it? Why do people want to turn our government over to amateurs?

Sorry to break it to you Gil - but the current hack you have is doing a real "bang up job" isn't he? I seriously doubt Ted can balance a check book or operate a one person law office without getting into financial trouble. But you can keep on electing these TARDS. Fortunately, we just sold our home in Portland and will get lots of future amusement from the mental midgets and financial illiterates than run Portland and Oregon.

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