
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 8, 2010 5:26 PM. The previous post in this blog was Another Portlander hits the big time. The next post in this blog is Cha-ching! More pork for Hoffman Construction.. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, February 8, 2010

The more, the merrier

Here's a new news source for Oregon. At least, it's new to me.

Comments (8)

Oregon Politico is dedicated to reporting news from the state’s capitol and government bureaucracies in a fair and balanced manner whilst promoting an open and transparent government.

Fair and Balanced? Whilst? I'm guessing this isn't Fox News Canada...

The Oregon Politico is a project of the Cascade Policy Institute, a 501(c)(3)(h) non-profit, non-partisan policy research organization.

Yeah, a "news" source. Kind of like BlueOregon!

Although Cascade tends to portray a free market perspective, the only bias held by the Oregon Politico staff is a dedication to open government and transparency.

Uh huh. They're SOOOOOOO dedicated to open government and transparency, they violated the rules of the Oregon House by videotaping on the floor.


Yeah, I wouldn't trust this source in the least. CPI is a wingnut, fringe group is ever there was one. They're only interest is in handing Oregon to greedy developers and screwing the underclasses.

Yeah, I wouldn't trust this source in the least. CPI is a wingnut, fringe group is ever there was one. They're only interest is in handing Oregon to greedy developers and screwing the underclasses.

Really? I thought that job was taken by the group currently running Portland.

statehousenewsonline.com, the parent site, is owned by Jason Stverak.

This is Jason Stverak.

What it is likely to be, actually, is a party-line site with a thin veneer of journalism.

If it throws some things into the daylight that are currently hiding in the shadows, I'd call that a good thing. Way too much happens behind the green curtain in this state.

While I understand that some will have concerns about the content of our site because of our connection to Cascade Policy Institute, please read our content before you make up your mind.

We are a new experiment into nonprofit journalism seeking to fill the gap that has been left open by traditional media sources at the state capital, local government and in investigative journalism. We work very hard to get both sides of the story and do our best to leave our personal politics at the door.

If you are looking for news coverage that is not covered by your local sources please stop by and read what it is that we produce. If you have tips, story ideas or topics of particular interest that are not being covered by other news sites please let us know. Thanks Jacob Szeto www.TheOregonPolitico.com

If you read the job description that Cascade ran you would see that Jacob Szeto is not being honest. And of course it is just coincidence that these are showing up in many states affiliated with similar Cato-clones, libertarian-right groups like Cascade. And doesn't he know when talking about the building ( "at the" ) it is capitol, not capital.

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