
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 13, 2009 6:48 AM. The previous post in this blog was 2,500 miles and a world away. The next post in this blog is It's an exciting, new... er... thingy. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Pushback on PERS bottom-feeder investments

We blogged a couple of weeks ago, with slightly upraised eyebrow, about the State of Oregon's deepening involvement with a "distressed asset" flipper who makes a pile of dough buying up the IOU's of the down and out in the recession. It appears that we aren't the only one wondering how right that is.

Comments (3)

Boards & Commissions

Oregon Investment Council Members
Appointed Members
Katherine J. Durant, Chair
Atlas Investments, LLC

Harry Demorest, Vice-Chair
Columbia Forest Products

Keith Larson
Intel Capital

Richard B. Solomon
Certified Public Accountant

Members by Position

Ben Westlund (by position)
State Treasurer

Paul Cleary (by position)
Director, Public Employees Retirement System
(Ex officio member)

The Director of the Public Employees Retirement System is an ex-officio member of the OIC with no voting power, per ORS 293.706(5).

I think we all need to get into the real world. We are in hard times, and if an opportunity for an investment presents itself, and the risk reward is acceptable then go for it I say.

We are in hard times, and if an opportunity for an investment presents itself, and the risk reward is acceptable then go for it I say

Damn straight. Maybe the state should double down on this strategy and start investing all the lottery proceeds into foreclosed properties.

The more money the lottery takes in the more properties go into foreclosure!


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