
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 23, 2009 12:05 PM. The previous post in this blog was Why Tri-Met is cutting your bus service. The next post in this blog is Story time with Little Lord Paulson. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Killer cop in Chasse case may get suspended

It's Kyle Nice who's being disciplined, though -- not "Thumper" Humphreys. As far as the beating that the police gave Chasse, and the hog-tying and the neglect of his many broken ribs and bleeding from the mouth, that was all o.k. -- within bureau policy, you know. "None of the arresting officers knew or should have known that Chasse was seriously injured." But somehow a nurse at the jail, and witnesses on the scene, could immediately see it.

The chief says Nice should have sent the ambulance with Chasse to the hospital because he had just Tasered him. Not because of this, reported earlier but inexplicably omitted from today's media reports:

In depositions in preparation for the federal trial, the medical examiner who performed the autopsy said Chasse suffered 46 separate abrasions or contusions on his body, including six to the head and 19 strikes to the torso. Fractures to his back ribs also probably did not result from Chasse getting knocked to the ground or someone falling on top of him, but more likely resulted from a kick or knee-drop, state medical examiner Dr. Karen Gunson said.
The chief has "recommended" the suspension, and now more haggling commences. Nice may or may not be suspended; Humphreys walks.

Maybe a federal court will bring justice in this case. As we all expected, Portland won't.

Comments (18)

Hopefully this goes all the way through a jury trial so each and every detail of the brutality inflicted on this man comes into the light of day. They can never hide the fact that he was unarmed, and using the level of force that they did under the circumstances was completely unjustified. No one should die because they urinated in public.

This whole thing is a joke. Derek Foxworth got a harsher punishment for sending x-rated emails than these guys will ever get for flat out killing a guy.

Licensed to kill.

They're happy to enforce the law... when it applies to you.

They never even said he urinated. They said he looked as if he might have.

Since stories like these NEVER appear in the many Oregon blogs I read, I thought it time that at least one positive story about the PPB does.

Chris Barker, one of the officers who responded to a Jan. 16 shooting in Southeast Portland, said he is incredibly proud to be a part of the bureau. Upon arriving at the scene of the shooting, Barker and three other officers found a gunshot victim lying in a driveway. The officers rescued him, exposing themselves to possible fire from the armed suspect inside the house. Barker and his colleagues were awarded the Medal of Valor, the highest honor given to a police officer.

"To receive this honor through somebody else's misfortune kinda stings, but at the same time we've got such a good core group of people out there working the street that it just makes me proud to be out there with them and serving the citizens here," Barker said.

PPB Hero's Here

The Portland police do many important, heroic things on a regular basis. Those events do deserve publicity. The taking of human life, however, deserves a high level of scrutiny. The current system is woefully inadequate to the task, and the public knows it. Hence the publicity for cases like Chasse, where the police were clearly, clearly in the wrong from the tackle through the beating to letting the man die.

"Well! This settles it for me. Sgt. Kyle Nice isn't all
that nice is he folks? Too bad that the liar that stompt
Chasse to death didn't get shown the door too. Sizer's
management style--such as it is--leaves much to be desired
and one wonders who she was protecting all these 3 years
by taking her sweet time reaching a decision that the rest
of WE THE PEOPLE had reached within days of this totally
uncalled for killing. I hope the City pays a fortune in
damages as result of these rogue copsters and then Sizer
will be forced to make changes or be shown the darn door
herself. She needs to get with the program in order to salvage
any pretense of competency on her part!"

I drink and can be obnoxious, but never have I been a physical threat. I didn't get cited. I was put into a 24 hour police hold for drinking. While handcuffed in the backseat of A Portland Police car I was told to quit talking or I'd be tazed. I said "Knock yourself out!" Before the "T" in "Out" came out I was tazed. Already handcuffed and in the back seat. Not a threat but I was drinking and accept my punishment. I just know it wasn't deserved and I'm curious now about how often this happens.


I guess the moral of the story is don't taunt guys with guns (or Tasers).

I'm surprised that Officer Nice wasn't nicer.

What is a "knee drop"? Is it a self-defense move taught to our PD?

If the beating that Chasse got falls within PPB Directives/policies, then those policies need to be changed.

I recently had a judge in my county tell my young client (who'd been 'drawn down' on by Beaverton police) that she was lucky the incident hadn't happened in Portland or she'd probably have been shot. ON the record.

There are no Killer Cops in Multnomah County, as the DA.
Amazing after other stories the ME fesses up "from a kick or knee-drop, state medical examiner Dr. Karen Gunson said."

I take back any positive support I have ever given Sizer. Rosie, you are a HUGE disappointment to this city and we will be happy when Adams or Leonard takes the next opportunity to toss you out. You've lost all credibility. How do we recall a police chief?

"What is a "knee drop"? Is it a self-defense move taught to our PD?"

This is a knee-drop(scroll down to bottom). It is usually employed on a part of the body such as a limb, to debilitate that area, such as a shoulder, leg, etc. Mr. Humphrey, who weighed in at about 245 lbs. not including his 10-15 lbs. of cop-gear, was described by one witness, if I recall properly, as dropping on 145 lb. Mr. Chasse "half-on, half-off", which is consistent with a one-knee-drop.

"Professional wrestlers" and cage-fighters will employ this tactic, but never to the sternum as it can...well, uh, kill somebody!

As it leaves the person administering the drop vulnerable to counter-defense measures, it is not used as a "take-down" move, but as a coup-de-grace to finish off the opponent who is already debilitated or restrained. Observe.


I believe Mr. Humphrey initially stated that he fell next to Mr. Chasse, then changed that story to falling or being pushed onto Mr. Chasse. If one grooms ones story enough, it will eventually pass muster with the standards and procedures manual, given enough guidance from your peers and superiors.

I would sure like to see where the knee-drop or kickng is part of the training and is inline with police policy.

At least the Feds are looking into a similar case of cops stomping / beating / tazing/ killing unarmed nonthreatening mentally ill in Spokane:

Meanwhile, there are apparently plenty of PPB resources to do things other than police the killers in their midst:

My name is Matt Horton, I'm a detective with the Portland Police Bureau. I am investigating the vandalism to a car dealership in Portland that may have been committed by an "eco-saboteur", and think you may be able to help me. The dealership's body shop recalls that sometime around Christmas last year two attorneys from the Salem area had their vehicles repaired after their cars had been smeared with some type of caustic chemical solution, resulting in the paint peeling off and plastics being damaged. The dealership is having difficulty in locating the names of the owners of the vandalized vehicles. Would you please send a mass e-mailing to Marion County Bar members asking if any of them have had their vehicles damaged in such a manner, and, if so, to contact me? My information is below. Thank you- Detective Matt Horton Central Precinct Portland Police Bureau 1111 SW 2nd Avenue Portland, OR 97204 (503) 823-0268 MHorton@portlandpolice.org

Jack Bog

I agree totally that these acts deserve all the attention that they are getting. I am just frustrated, as someone who is friends with many police officers, at the lack of balance I am seeing lately. I apologize for using your blog to vent those frustrations.

This clown should go to jail for MURDER.

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